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1488 Questions

My turtle top shell is looking dry on the edges and has one part looks as if it is peeling the bottom has dry marks and they arr tiny craders i thought it was a rotting shell but now im not so sure could it be that he was scared to bask for the first week i give him pellets and red leaf lettuce could it be the calcium when the turtle is in the water the marks on the top look green??

If there are craters or pitting, it likely is some degree of shell rot. You would need to have Hannah examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles for confirmation. Mild rot may be managed at home via daily cleaning with dilute Betadine or chlorhexidine solution using a soft bristled toothbrush. Allow for at least two hours in "dry dock" (away from water) after each cleaning. Maintain adequate water quality at all times and confirm proper UVB lighting and vitamin/mineral supplementation to promote shell health.

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Crested gecko wont eat

Check the enclosure temperatures first. If it is too cold, Coco will not eat. Low temps can affect appetite and digestion in reptiles. After proper temps are confirmed, check in and around the mouth. Look for redness, swelling, bleeding or discharge. If you see anything suspicious, have Coco physically examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles. Offer smaller than usual prey or something different to stimulate the appetite. Mealworms, dubia roaches or waxworms are fine to feed. Be sure to gut load them for 24 hours prior to offering. A commercial gecko diet should also be made available. You can find one in the reptile section of any pet store. If constipation is a concern, a good soak in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte while gently massaging the abdomen (front to back) may stimulate defecation.

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My bearded dragon female just spit up a large amount of what seems to be saliva mixed with water after she ate a medium sized meal of red runner cockroaches. She has never done this before, should I be worried?

Hello, if this is a single event, I think it would be fine to closely monitor Cleopatra for any additional signs of illness like continued vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, etc. It’s entirely possible she just ate a bit too much or too quickly and then brought up some fluid. However, vomiting can indicate serious illness in bearded dragons, so don’t wait too long to see a veterinarian if it happens again. Sometimes, bearded dragons kept on walnut or sand bedding eat the bedding every time they eat a prey item and can get blockages in the GI tract. Also, tumors of the stomach can happen in bearded dragons, which can cause vomiting, as can general infection or illness.

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I won my little turtle off a carnival game. She's still about the size of a thumb. The guys running the game gave her to us and a bag of food (ReptoMin) and said to feed her half a pellet in the morning and half a pellet at night. They didn't seem to be the most reliable people, they weren't even sure what kind of turtle she was. I wanted to know if this is right or not. How much and how often to eat a baby red eared slider turtle?

Hi. I'm glad you checked. Red rated sliders can be fun pets but they also require specialized environment and care. She should eat some live feeder fish, some plant matter and only about 25% of her diet should be commercial pellets. Be sure she has an area to get out of the water in her tank, she needs a basking light for warmth and full spectrum UV lighting. Housing is the number one reason that sliders get sick or die in captivity so please take the time to get her set up correctly. Here is a great beginner article for RES care.

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hi, i currently own a spur thighed tortoise but sometimes i feel guilty because she is on her own and has nothing to do other than walk around eat sleep and bath so i was wondering if it would be safe to own another tortoise, the same gender but a different breed (horse field tortoise) would this make my tortoise happy? i am fully prepared to take care for two tortoises at the same time thanks kate xx

Tortoises do best in single housing systems. They live completely alone in the wild. Adding another turtle may cause unnecessary stress, fighting, and potential spread of disease. You can consider adding enrichment for Georgia such as various fresh edible plants or revamping her enclosure.

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Hi, my red foot tortoise has been very lethargic lately and his eyes have been staying closed. The only time he opens them is when I pick him up and that's only occasionally they will open or when I soak him in water and the usually does the trick. I've also noticed his shell is considerably soft, I dont know if thats because he is a hatchling though. Also I've noticed he looks to be bloating. Please help.

Make sure he is not chilled. Low temps can affect activity in reptiles. A Vitamin A deficiency may be responsible for the eye issues. Feed a good quality commercial diet and supplement with dark, leafy greens and fresh vegetables. Dust food with a calcium and multivitamin supplement several times weekly as well. Provide an adequate UVA/UVB light source that runs the length of the tank. Position it no more than 14 inches away from him. Do not place glass or plexiglass between him and the UVB source. Juveniles normally have a soft shell until about 6-8 months of age when it begins to harden.

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My turtle is swiming side wise. He has swollen in side of neck. His skin has a layer of white translucent membrane and it is falling. Please help:( ....... he is still a baby 2 months old. What should i do???

Hello! This appears to be something called an "aural abscess" that is common in red eared sliders. It is generally the result of not eating enough Vitamin A in the diet or living in water that is not filtered enough. I would recommend taking Hunny into a vet to have the abscess cleaned out, then working on improving his diet and water quality. I hope this is helpful!

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Is it unhealthy to feed my leopard gecko any form of dried pellets or dried insects? A cricket is 70% moisture so what would happen to the nutrition in its guts when it dries?

Hello there! When it comes to insects, I recommend feeding live insects that you gut loaded yourself with high quality cricket food and dust with a calcium supplement prior to feeding. That way you can be sure that your pet is getting the best nutrition possible. Buying dried crickets means you are unsure of how well they were cared for and may be less nutritious. I hope you find this helpful!

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Why does my turtle stink and the butthole is always open?

sample The odor may be from dirty water. Turtles can quickly overwhelm a tank leading to foul water. They need powerful filtration and/or filtration. His vent may be open due to illness. Monitor for soft stool or even prolapse. Examine his limbs for signs of injury or infection. Look over his she'll for trauma, pitting or soft spots. Maintain water quality and temperature to decrease stress. Submit a stool to your veterinarian to diagnose intestinal parasites.

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