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1488 Questions

How can i fix my turtle's swollen eyes? I'm pretty sure it was from chlorine since i used tap water, but then i changed the water after about 6 or more hours when i noticed how my turtle itches his eyes and how his eyes became more swollen.

This is commonly due to a vitamin A deficiency. Feed foods high in vitamin A (the red or orange vegetables) and maintain pristine water quality. Use a powdered multivitamin regularly as well. You can also use Repti-Turtle Eye Drops ( ). Review slider care at the links below.

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My leopard gecko has dead skin over one eye

Leopard geckos don't shed their eyes like snakes, so it won't be a retained shed (eye cap). They do shed their eyelids and this skin can sometimes get stuck and cause irritation. Place him in a humid hide (make sure he can breath) for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, use a moistened cotton swab to GENTLY remove the skin. If it doesn't come, don't force it. Schedule an exam with a herp vet to remove it and to rule out infection or trauma.

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How do I tell if my turtle is gay?

In doing some research to answer your question, I found that the both the Desert Tortoise and Wood Turtle have been shown to display homosexual behavior, but it may not be an extensive list. Since I don't know the type of turtle Jerome is, I can't say for sure if his breed has been shown to display homosexual behaviors. Regardless, whether or not Jerome is gay has no bearing on his ability to live his life as an awesome turtle, and I would not worry about it :-)

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My bearded dragon has these dark patches of skin on her back, which are bumpy and then on her stomach she has a few which are bigger.

These could be localized fungal or bacterial infection. You would need to have Minnie physically examined by your veterinarian or an experienced herp vet for confirmation. Prescription medications may be indicated. In the meantime, clean and sanitize her enclosure. Control humidity to prevent bacterial or fungal overgrowth. Cleansing affected areas with diluted Betadine may help resolve minor infection.

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My turtle is not eating, and is floating tilted in water but walks well on floor. She reduced her appetite before swimming tilted(RED EARED SLIDER TURTLE).She swims tilted towards right.

The tilted swimming may be an indicator of respiratory infection. This will need to be confirmed by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles. Respiratory infection requires prescription antibiotics for treatment. Increase water temperature to 82F - 85F to aid in recovery. Be sure ambient temp is above 75F and the basking spot in the high 80s F.

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Our new crested gecko has skin over her eye. Can this be removed? If so, how?

Try soaking Gretchen in a warm water bath for 20-30 minutes. Use a moist cotton swab to gently wipe the eye cap off her eye. Don't force it if it does not move. Continue frequent soaks and misting to soften the cap and try wiping it with the swab or use fine tweezers. Mist her enclosure to raise the humidity and provide a moist hide during sheds to prevent retained eye caps in the future. If you can't remove it, have her seen by your veterinarian or an experienced herp veterinarian.

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How do I know if my bearded dragon is hungry ? And I keep getting told to only feed it once a day in the morning, is this true ,?

It depends on his age, younger beardies (2-4 months) should be fed 3-5 times daily. Dragons between 4 and 8 months of age can be fed 2 to 3 daily and dragons aged 8 months and older can be fed once daily. It is best to let them "warm up" in the morning before offering food but you can feed them at any time that is convenient for you. Make sure you are consistent in your feeding times and your beardie will learn to anticipate it.

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My Cuban knight anole lizard is weak and has not been eating for two weeks now unless I eye drop feed her or eye drop water into her mouth. No vets around me have payment plans and o can't pay up front for a diagnosis. Any advice?

A dehydrated or cold anole will not eat. Make sure ambient and basking temps in the enclosure are species appropriate. Soak him in a warm 50/50 solution of water and unflavored PediaLyte to warm him up and rehydrate him. Offer appropriate sized prey (crickets, mealworms, dubia roaches, silk worms). Nothing bigger than the space between his eyes. Gut load them for 24 hours prior to offering to maximize nutritional value. Have him examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles if he does not regain his appetite. Frequently, these little guys are infected with intestinal parasites. Follow the link below for more information regarding care.

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Is it normal for turtles to lay there head down? She was laying her head down on her platform and I have never seen her do it.

Turtles will bask in a variety of positions to maximize heat and UVB absorption. If she is behaving normally otherwise, there is likely no cause for concern. Monitor for lethargy, difficulty breathing, "gaping" (opening and closing mouth), blowing bubbles or discharge from the nose or mouth, decreased appetite or lopsided swimming. See your veterinarian or an experienced herp veterinarian if any of these symptoms develop.

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