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My red eared turtle has white patch over its shell moreover I am getting worms in the turtle tank . How to get rid of it and what is the cause of white patch over its shell.

If all you see are a few well-defined white spots, you can first try the "drying out" approach. * Keep your turtle out of the water overnight in a warm (85F) box; do this nightly for at least a week. * If this helps, continue until improvement shows. * Then make sure he basks a lot. * Make sure he is exposed to natural sunlight for 1/2 hour a day. * Add 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water. Iodine free cooking salt is fine. * In addition, review your husbandry practices, in particular the water quality and the basking spot available to the turtle. If drying out does not help, he needs to be examined by a veterinarian. DO NOT use antibiotic cremes, anti-fungal cremes, washes, etc. without consulting with a veterinarian. Using the wrong medication can make it worse. For a simple fungal skin infection, drying out is all that's necessary. Anything that does not respond to the "warm and dry" approach needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian. If there are many spots, or the whole body is covered, or the eyes are also whitish, your turtle needs to see a veterinarian. If your turtle shows additional symptoms, like sluggishness or lack of appetite, you turtle needs to see a veterinarian. If there are lesions, cracks, or bloody sores and scabs, take your turtle to a veterinarian immediately. There is a good chance the condition will require treatment with medication internally (for example antibiotics) in addition to drying out, cleaning, and prescription creams. As for the worms, they are coming from your turtle's poop. Likely they are nematodes. You should consult with a veterinarian to get a dewormer. I hope this helps. Best wishes.

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Pilu she is an Indian roofed turtle. Not taking food for last 3 days & there is no activity. She is sitting in a same position for day long. If I am keeping her in water then she will be there for the whole day and same thing will happen if I shall keep her on basking area. For last two months she is with me and was very active & curious. But now she is totally lethargic for a small movement too. There is no sign of any external diseases. Nose/eyes are ok. Here is no reptiles specialist.Plz help

Thank you for using Boop by Petco. From your pictures, it looks like Pilu could benefit from some upgrades to get living area. Water turtles do you need water, as well as a basking area, but he may need a dirt area to dig in. Be sure that her water is clean and may need partial changes daily but not complete water change. She needs full spectrum lighting 8 hours daily. If bulbs are not possible then she need a safe outdoor enclosure. Calcium and vitamin supplements with her food are necessary. Make sure there is a warmer basking area in her enclosure. Here is a good resource for turtle care and set up.

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My bearded dragon named Rex has black spots on his belly and is acting normal and us craving attention but should I be worried

Thanks for reaching out about Rex and including a photo. Unfortunately you did not include a photo of the belly and black spots. But, Rex appears thin and dehydrated in the photo. A veterinary visit is recommended to assess health and to examine the black spots. Good luck.

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What kind of wood stain is safe to use on a bearded dragon’s enclosure

Any wood stain an be used. A water based product would be safer than an oil based one. Sealing the wood after staining would be strongly recommended. Use a water based polyurethane sealant. Allow complete curing/drying before using the enclosed. The general rule is if you can still smell the paint/stain/sealant, then give it more time to dry.

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Bearded dragon has a lump on his face. Not sure what it is, I read somewhere that it could be this think called mouth rot. I don't have much money right now...will he be okay for a bit till I can take him to get treated? If so what can I do or use to help him till then?

Your suspicions are likely correct for Red - the mass could be related to stomatitis, or mouth rot. This disease often has a husbandry related component, so I would recommend taking a close look at Red's enclosure and its components to ensure that all parameters are perfect. Often temperatures and/or lighting are the culprit - please ensure your UVB bulb has been changed within the last 4-6 months and that it is appropriate for bearded dragons (i.e. it is for desert species). Please also ensure that it is appropriate for the height of Red's enclosure - if it is too close or too far away, Red may experience problems related to it. Temperatures should be measured using digital thermometers located at Red's level, and not elevated in the enclosure. You can find parameters online using a bearded dragon care sheet, such as one found on Reptiles Magazine. Please ensure that Red continues to have an appetite, and that his diet is appropriate. The majority should be made up of a salad of dark leafy greens, with protein supplemented two to three times per week and fruit once per week. Diet can also be involved in cases of stomatitis. It would also be advisable to weigh him every other day to ensure he is not losing weight. This can be done using a digital gram scale (found in the kitchen section of most department stores). If you appreciate a decrease in appetite or weight, I would recommend having Red visit a veterinarian as soon as possible. Until your veterinary visit, I would evaluate the husbandry as outlined above, and make adjustments as needed, and monitor him as outlined above. Your veterinarian will closely evaluate Red and his mouth, and may take a sample of the mass to confirm that it is an infection and not another process. They will also ensure that the jaw is stable, and they may recommend radiographs (x-rays). Treatments may include antibiotics and pain medications, depending on the findings. Please do not give Red any human medications, as they can be harmful for our scaled friends. I hope this gives you a place to start, and good luck!

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Do Indian Flapshell turtle hibernate and what to do when it is not eating the food provided ?

Thanks for reaching out about Jackie. These turtle are from tropical environs and therefore doe not hibernate. But is allows to become cold will enter torpor, thereby shutting down their immune system, other metabolisms, including appetite. Check water and basking site temperature. Correct any concerns. Illnesses can also cause inappetance, and this should be investigated by a veterinarian. Good luck.

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My red eared slider turtles is sneezing. I’m not too sure what this means.

Thanks for reaching out about Drax. Sneezing is often associated with water or infection in the sinus cavities. If it is water, it should abate after a few minutes. If it does not clear up very soon or is persistent, a veterinary visit is needed as antibiotics need to be prescribed. Vitamin A deficiencies are commonly related to respiratory diseases in turtles/tortoises. Check temperature, both water and environment, to assure optimal. Good luck.

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How long can turtles live out of water for?

An aquatic species of turtle may survive a few days out of the water before being negatively affected. It really depends on the age/size of the turtle, general health and environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. A hatchling shouldn't spend more than an hour or two out of the water.

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I need to know what temperature is good for my baby turtle. Please help me figure that out. I've been told left and right by different people that she needs 75 to 80 degrees in her Aquarium. And then a guy in a pet store tells me she needs her water room temperature. What really is the right temperature for my baby turtle?

Thanks for reaching out about Xena and including photos. The water temperature should be in the mid-70s but the basking site should reach 85-90 F with UVB exposure. If too cold, digestion, immune system and all metabolic processes are suppressed. Good luck.

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