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1488 Questions

What should I do if my gecko has shed stuck in his eye and he doesn’t like being handled

You really need to take Mercutio to a veterinarian. He is VERY thin and does not appear healthy at all. The vet can safely remove the shed. Honestly, though, the shed is the least of his problems.

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I'm afraid my leopard gecko has mouth rot. His appetite has been good and I saw him eat a couple of large meal worms three days ago. It could possibly be stuck shed.

From the picture it looks more like inflamed and ulcerated tissue then extra shed, but pictures can be deceiving. I would encourage you to have him evaluated by your veterinarian soon, before he becomes too sick. He will likely need antibiotics. Also double check that your temperature and humidity are appropriate, and that he is getting good night and daylight cycles (too long light cycles can cause stress). A good resource is Good luck and I hope he improves soon!

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I wanna know how much can you feed a red eared slider turtle a day? And how to know if my turtle is healthy?

A bit depends on how old Mika is but she appears young from your pictures. Feed every day and remove uneaten food after a few minutes that she doesn't eat. She should get about 45-50 veggies, 25% animal protein (feeder fish or worms) and 25% pelleted diet. If she is active and eating that is a good sign for health. Make sure no white patches or soft spots on her shell. Keep water quality good in her tank, make sure she has areas to get out of the water and bask and full spectrum UV lighting. Here is a great article on RES care, with specific parameters.

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Why is my turtle tank‘s water red?But none of my turtles have been hurt and two has been wiggling their arms at each other.

It may be due to coloring from the food or tank furniture. It may also be a water quality issue. Look both turtles over for any signs of obvious injury. If they are both female, you may have some aggression/territoriality issues which may require a significantly larger tank or separation.

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Hi, my leopard gecko has not been opening his eye for almost a month now, I assume he has some remaining eye caps in his eyes, he will open his eyes when I pick him up and it's all white. But since yesterday, I bought the zoomed repti shedding aid for the eye caps removal and sprayed on his eye. Today he left eye remains the same condition, but his right eye appears to have blood on it and he cannot open it fully, I don't know what happened to him and what to do

Place him in a warm, moist hide or container for about 30 minutes. Make sure there is adequate ventilation and that he doesn't get too cold. This should help remove the eye caps. Geckos usually have problems with the eyelid liner, not caps like snakes. If this is the case or if the cloudiness persists, have him examined by your vet or an experienced herp vet.

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my turtle is opening his mouth and making sounds . it has also stopped eating from last 2-3 days Nd keeps sleeping for long .

Thanks for reaching out about Flippy and including a photo. The eyes and neck are swollen, and by your description, it appears he has a respiratory infection. A veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan that should include a vitamin A and calcium injections and systemic antibiotics. The diet and husbandry practices need to be reviewed and corrected. Good luck.

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Can my turtle eat sunflower seeds in mealworms food

They can eat them, but they shouldn't eat sunflower seeds regularly or in large quantities. It would be best to remove the mealworms from the seed mix first. Offer fresh greens, vegetables and a commercial pellet for turtles as parts of a balanced diet.

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I have a baby bearded dragon his arm got bit by my other baby dragon we have been watching it for a few days and putting ointment but now it’s completely limp and swollen and black . We separated the two dragons . What should we do ? He is eating still

Thanks for reaching out about Jasper and including a photo. This limb is necrotic tissue and non-viable. A veterinary visit is needed as this limb needs to be amputated before infection spreads further. Systemic antibiotics might slow spread but will not cure the limb. Sorry. Please call your veterinarian. Good luck.

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How often Should i spray my bearded dragon with water? How many crickets should I feed it a day?

You can mist him/her 2-4 times daily. Monitor the humidity in the tank though, as high humidity can promote bacterial or fungal growth. Feeding amounts depend on age. Juveniles will eat more and more frequently. Feed in 10 minute periods 2-3 times daily. It is very important to feed appropriately prey, no bigger than the space between your beardie's eyes. Adults can be fed less frequently and should be fed more vegetables and less prey.

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