Basic Bird Training: Teaching Your Bird to Step Up

Updated On November 1st, 2024

Just as you train a young puppy to "sit" as one of his first cues, there is a first cue you should teach all pet psittacine birds. That first cue is "step up." It is an easy cue to teach a bird because the physical motion is something he normally does many times during the day.

By teaching your bird this cue, you will help decrease any fear the bird may have of you, help build confidence for both you and your bird, provide social, mental, and physical enrichment, and reinforce the bond between you and your bird. After your bird begins to learn the cue, he will relate it to good things happening, such as attention from you, treats, and eventually rewards such as going to the "play gym."

Bird Training Basics

As with training any animal, sessions should be short, usually around 15 minutes. Never start a session if you are agitated, tired, or impatient. Patience is always the key to good training. Make the training a positive experience for both you and your bird. Have fun. Make it into a game.

The training should take place in a quiet room without distractions. A safe environment needs to be provided, and this means you need to prepare for the possibility your bird may try to get away from you. Close windows, doors, and curtains; turn off any fans; do not have other pets in the room; and your bird should have his wings clipped. Training sessions should always end on a positive note, with praise or a reward given. Consistency in the use of verbal cues or hand signals is another key ingredient to success. Always use positive reinforcement. Do not hit, use a loud voice, or give any other type of punishment.

You will need your bird to focus on you and be comfortable. Watch your bird for signs of sleepiness, inattentiveness due to hunger, etc., fear, or aggression. Signs of fear and aggression include the bird standing upright with wings held slightly away from his body, with or without his beak open; vocalizations; flapping of the wings; the bird holding very tightly onto your finger; dilating pupils; or biting.

If it appears you will need to end the session, end on a positive note, and without your bird thinking he is the "winner" of any confrontation.

Bird Training: First Steps

If your bird is not used to you, for several sessions you may want to just slowly and quietly place your hand in the bird's habitat, away from the bird. When you approach the habitat, and work with your bird, you should always be slightly higher than the bird's eye level. Too far above, and the bird may be more afraid. Too low, and the bird may start to interpret it as submission on your part. With each session, move your hand closer to the bird, and allow the bird to perch on it of his own accord (you may want to tempt him with a treat). Once your bird is comfortable with your hand close to him in the habitat, the real training can start.

If your bird is large or quick to bite due to fear or being territorial, you may wish to use a perch or dowel in place of your finger during initial training. If so, get the bird used to the perch or dowel by placing it in the habitat and allowing him to investigate it.

Teaching Your Bird to "Step Up"

1.      First, get your bird used to taking special, very tasty treats from your hand. These types of treats should be reserved for training purposes.

2.      Next, by holding a treat in one hand, lure the bird to come closer to the "step up" hand, which is held in front of the bird at a higher level than the perch. At first, you will want to reward the bird for simply coming close to the "step up" hand. If your bird is receptive, gently touching their stomach area with your finger or perch may prompt them to step up.

3.      When the bird starts to step onto your hand, say "Step up" or "up." Either verbal cue is fine but choose only one and say it each time the bird steps up. Consistency is the key - all family members, and you, need to do it the same way every time.

4.      When the bird steps up, praise him and give him a very small treat - something he really likes, but only gets when he follows a cue. At first, you may reward the bird for only putting one foot on the "step up" hand.

Some birds may use their beaks to help them step up. Do not pull away if your bird uses his beak to climb onto your finger or he may feel it is unstable and refuse to step up.  If you do not feel comfortable with your bird using its beak to climb onto your finger, use a perch until you and your bird develop more confidence and trust. As your bird becomes comfortable, take him out of the habitat and continue the training in other quiet environments. When away from his habitat, he may feel more vulnerable, and pay more attention to you.

Teaching Your Bird to "Step Down"

When you wish to have your bird step off of your finger or perch, place whatever you want him to step onto, e.g., a perch in your bird's habitat in front of him. You will need to use the same technique you use for a "step up"; with a treat, lure your bird onto the object you want him to step onto. The object should be in front of your bird and higher than your hand. Have your bird face you and step onto the object while you give the cue "step down" or "down." Again, either cue is fine, just be consistent.

When moving from your finger to the object, your bird is stepping upwards, but the cue should still be "step down," which really means, "move from my finger to what I am showing you." Again, your bird will probably use his beak to help accomplish the "step down,".

Teaching Your Bird to "Ladder"

When your bird has learned "step up," it is time to teach him to "ladder." This means having your bird step up from the finger of one hand to a finger on the other hand, which is held higher. Each step should be accompanied by the "step up" verbal cue. The bird should become accustomed to doing this repeatedly. This is an exercise which should be repeated daily.

Teaching "step ups" is key to successfully training a bird. It is a cue every bird should know. This one cue will help establish a great life-long relationship between you and your bird from the very beginning.

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