As the pet parent of a reptile, you're well aware that your cold-blooded pet cannot produce his own body heat and is entirely dependent on his environment to maintain a healthy body temperature. While reptiles in the wild have various strategies for adjusting and maintaining their body heat, your pet reptile relies on you to provide these essential needs. Typically, this is done through the use of heating elements, lamps, under tank heaters, etc. But what happens if there is a power outage? How will you keep your reptile's environment from getting too chilly? It's always wise to plan ahead and have emergency techniques and supplies ready before there is a problem. Let's examine a few ideas that can be used to get your pet safely through a power outage, regardless of the time of year:
Get going with a generator
The ideal solution is to possess a home generator capable of powering—among other things—your regular reptile care equipment, including heating devices. Even small generators can be powerful enough to keep your pet's habitat in working order, and you'll have the peace of mind knowing that you and your reptile can easily withstand a power outage.
Use hand warmers
Chemical heat packs (aka "hand warmers") are an excellent and inexpensive way to provide quick heat for your reptile. Just be sure not to allow these hand warmers to come into direct contact with your reptile. If the power outage is expected to be of short duration, these warmers can be an ideal solution. Plan ahead and have a supply of them on hand—ideally enough to last several days. Look on the packaging to determine how long the warmer will last; some will only provide heat for a few hours, but other varieties will continue to function for up to an entire day. Please note: Hand warmers are only capable of warming a small area, so you'll probably want to move your pet to a small enclosure (such as their portable carrier) during the power outage in order to create a smaller space for the chemical warmer to heat.
Warm up with water bottles
It's also possible to warm your reptile by filling a plastic milk container and placing it in their habitat. You can heat water by placing it in a pot or other vessel on a BBQ grill. Be sure to wrap the milk container or water bottle in a small towel to prevent your reptile from coming into close contact with water that is too warm.
Use your vehicle
In an emergency, you can temporarily provide a warming environment for or cool your reptile by placing them in their portable carrier and using your vehicle's heating system. Make sure your car is outdoors, and be aware that you may need to be in the car for an extended time to provide benefit to your reptile. Alternatively, a vehicle power inverter and extension cords can be used (at least temporarily) to transfer electricity from your vehicle to the environmental control units of your reptile's habitat. (Be sure to read and follow all safety guidelines before attempting this method.)
Limit feeding of reptiles when they're cold
If you know your reptile is going to be exposed to cooler-than-usual temperatures for a day or two, be sure to avoid feeding them during that time. Reptiles require warmth to properly digest their food, and it is better for a reptile to wait out the cooler temperatures on an empty stomach than to have undigested food inside them.
Snuggle up
If your reptile is fond of being handled, you can quickly warm him up by holding him close. Be sure not to put him near your face and always wash your hands after handling him. You can also put them inside a pillowcase and then in your lap for extra warmth (pillowcases can be used for transporting your reptile if necessary as well). Put on a movie and warm your pet while you relax together. For longer power outages, you can contact a friend or relative nearby with power to temporarily take care of your reptile.
Don't panic!
While it's true that prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures could be harmful to your reptile, they are somewhat adaptable and they can endure a few hours (or even a day or two) of slightly less-than-ideal temperatures without suffering permanent harm. By following these tips to prevent your reptile's body temperature from dropping too low, you can protect your pet from the adverse effects of a power outage.
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