Updated On November 1st, 2024
Reviewed By Petco's Animal Care, Education and Compliance (ACE) Team
Although they live in small groups in nature, iguanas are not considered social animals. They do, however, communicate with each other in several ways, most of which would be classified as body language. These include head bobbing, hissing, changes in the dewlap, movement of the tail, and body positioning and movement, among others.
In a normal relaxed state, the body of an iguana appears rather round. If an iguana feels threatened or is aggressive, the iguana will basically pull in his sides to make his body appear taller and larger. This behavior is generally accompanied by an erect posture, with the iguana standing tall on his feet.
Head bobs may be used to provide several social cues. A slow head bobbing may be used to greet other iguanas (and people). If the behavior is accompanied by a change in body posture such as raising the body and flaring the dewlap, the bob may become more of an advertisement that the iguana is concerned about his territorial rights. If the bobbing is more rapid, the iguana is trying to indicate that he is becoming more annoyed or is on the offensive.
A combination of hissing and clicking is made by iguanas with their mouths wide open. This behavior signals a warning or defensive posture. It is often accompanied by distention of the dewlap, compressing the body laterally to make it appear taller and provide a more intimidating silhouette, and tail thrashing.
Whether the iguana holds his eyes open or shut can also tell you something. Iguanas may shut their eyes if they are very relaxed or may shut them if they are in sensory overload. Open, glaring eyes can be interpreted as just that - a glare from an iguana who is not happy.
Observing your iguana’s behavior and respecting what they are trying to communicate to you through their body language will help strengthen your bond and ensure safe interactions.
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