Should I Give My Dog an Oatmeal Bath?

Updated On November 20th, 2019

Soaking in a homemade oatmeal bath is one way that humans have alleviated skin problems for centuries. In fact, [research shows]( that colloidal oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory properties that can treat itchy and irritated skin.

But people aren’t the only species that can benefit from an oatmeal bath. The healing properties of oatmeal can help dogs as well.

Benefits of Oatmeal Baths for Dogs

“Oatmeal baths are great for dogs with dry, itchy skin or who suffer from [allergies](,” says Dr. Sara Ochoa, a veterinarian at [White House Veterinary Hospital]( in Whitehouse, Texas. “They are very gentle on the skin and help repair the natural skin barrier.”

Not only are oatmeal baths for dogs soothing, they also work to really [clean a dog’s skin](, says Dr. Jim D. Carlson, a holistic veterinarian and owner of [Riverside Animal Clinic and Holistic Center](, located in Chicago's northwest suburbs.

“Oatmeal baths are beneficial in cleaning the skin and removing harmful toxins that collect on the skin or are secreted through the pores,” he says. 

Oatmeal Soaks Versus Oatmeal Dog Shampoos

When choosing to give your dog an oatmeal [bath at home](, you have the option to soak your dog in a tub with colloidal oatmeal or to use a pet-safe oatmeal shampoo to wash and clean your pup. Both methods can help remedy dry and itchy skin on dogs.

“Colloidal oatmeal is oatmeal that has been ground up very fine and made into a liquid,” says Ochoa. “This would be great for dogs, as the powders that most people use in their bath water can be hard to soak a dog in.”

If colloidal oatmeal is not an option, you can ground up plain, whole oatmeal in a blender to make a powder to add to the bath. Never use instant or flavored oatmeal for bathing or soaking dogs.

If you decide to use an oatmeal shampoo on your dog, make sure it is specifically formulated for pets. Never use a human-grade shampoo on your dog. Remember to never leave your dog unattended in a tub.

How to Make an Oatmeal Bath for Dogs

Making an oatmeal bath for dogs at home is simple and easy.

Follow these steps for bathing your dog with oatmeal:

**Step One**: Using lukewarm to cool water, fill the bathtub up to the level of your pet’s wrists and ankles.

**Step Two**: If using a powder, mix with water until a watery substance is made. Get your dog completely wet, then lather the mixture on your dog and let it sit for approximately five minutes.

If using colloidal oatmeal, mix in two capfuls with bath water. Place your pet in the bath water and, using a cup, pour the solution over your pet repeatedly, using caution not to get the water into your pet’s ears or eyes.

If you are using an oatmeal shampoo, soak your pet’s fur until dripping wet. Run one bead of the shampoo down your pets back and lather over his entire body. Leave the shampoo on for 5 to 10 minutes.

**Step Three**: Rinse your pet thoroughly with lukewarm water, using extra caution around your dog’s head and face. Make sure no residue is left over.

**Step Four**: Lightly towel dry your dog until the fur is damp and then let him air dry.

Oatmeal Baths for Dogs: Things to Consider

For dogs with healthy skin, Carlson recommends [bathing your dog]( no more than once per month to avoid drying out their skin. If your dog has a skin condition, an oatmeal bath may be used more often—up to two times per week—under the direction of your veterinarian.

“Diseased skin should not be bathed unless you speak with your veterinarian about the frequency of shampooing,” says Carlson.

If your dog has a skin condition, an oatmeal bath alone may not be enough to improve your dog’s skin and coat. Do not over bathe your dog and talk to your veterinarian about treatment options.

“Dogs with very dry and itchy skin may need topical medications,” says Ochoa. “Some shampoos contain a steroid to help decrease the itchiness. Also, using things such as Benadryl spray on certain spots will help with skin allergies.”

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