A female rabbit is called a "doe" and a male rabbit is called a "buck." Baby rabbits can be called a "kit" or "kitten."
Spaying female rabbits helps ensure a longer, healthier life.
A group of rabbits is often referred to as a "herd." A herd of rabbits lives in a warren.
More than half of the world's rabbit species live in North America.
A baby rabbit is born with its eyes closed, but they open around two weeks of age. Rabbits are also born without fur.
Rabbits cannot vomit.
Rabbits can see behind them, but have a blind spot in front of their face.
Rabbits produce two types of droppings: fecal pellets and cecotropes. Cecotropes are packed with nutrients essential to keeping rabbits in good health.
Rabbits can be trained, including being trained to use a litter box.
When rabbits are happy they can jump and twist. This is commonly called a "binky."
Some rabbit breeds can jump over three feet in height and nine feet in length.
Rabbits have 28 teeth.
There are 47 types of rabbits recognized by the ARBA. The most popular breeds include the Californian, New Zealand, Mini Rex, Mini Lop, Angora and Palomino.
A neutered rabbit kept indoors with proper care may have a life span of eight to 12 years. Spaying female rabbits help ensure they have a longer, healthier life.
Rabbits can suffer from heat stroke; however they only sweat through the pads on their feet. Always make sure you monitor your rabbit's environmental temperatures, especially in the warmer months of summer.