Rats are highly intelligent, affectionate and loving mammals.
They are very loyal.
Rats are extremely clean pets.
With proper socialization, rats are one of the most social and trainable companion animals.
Rats have incisors that continuously grow throughout their life! Be sure to provide plenty of chews, available a wide variety of shapes and colors.
The naked tails of rats can be used to regulate their body temperature. Their tails are also used to provide balance and to communicate with each other.
Rats have scent glands on the bottom of their feet. These scent glands mark territories and help them retrace their footsteps.
A group of rats is called a pack or swarm.
Rats can swim.
Ancient Romans considered rats to be a sign of good luck.
Ancient Egyptians and Mayans worshipped rats.
The average size of a rat’s litter is 12 pups. Rats can have litters of up to 20 rat pups, but it’s not common.
Rats do not have the ability to vomit.
The first rat to become an astronaut traveled into space from France in 1961!
Rats are now available in a wide variety of types including hairless, dumbo (with large ears), Siamese and more!
Rats are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night; however, they can adjust to your schedule.
Rats have appeared or starred in hundreds of movies and television series.