Can cats eat potatoes? If you’ve noticed them listed as an ingredient in cat food, you might think the answer is a straightforward yes. If properly prepared, cats can eat potatoes, but there are a number of reasons why they shouldn’t. Remember to always consult your veterinarian before adding new food to your cat’s diet to ensure it's an appropriate snack for your pet.
While cats can eat potatoes that have been properly prepared, they aren’t a necessary part of a balanced diet for cats. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their ancestors survived almost exclusively on meat and other animal products. The feline digestive system is designed to absorb nutrients from protein, and cats’ gastrointestinal tracts have not evolved to digest carbohydrates. While there are some carbohydrates in commercially available cat food, fruits and vegetables are largely composed of carbohydrates and not generally recommended as part of a carnivore diet.
While a small amount of potatoes may be included in dry and wet cat food, they are not essential to your cat’s diet, nor are they an appropriate treat. Potatoes contain carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B6, fiber, potassium, magnesium and other essential nutrients that can benefit your cat when a small amount is included as part of a balanced, commercially available diet.
While adding extra carbohydrates to your cat’s diet is not recommended, there is generally no reason to be alarmed if your cat sneaks a bite of cooked, unseasoned and unbuttered potatoes.
Raw potatoes, however, are another story because they contain solanine, a toxic compound the plant produces specifically to discourage animals from eating them. Cats are particularly sensitive to solanine, and ingesting it can cause gastrointestinal distress such as vomiting or diarrhea and even affect the nervous system, leading to lethargy and disorientation.
Cooking potatoes negates the solanine toxicity, but it also opens the door to a new set of problems. We usually cook our potatoes with butter, oil, salt or other seasonings—all of which are unhealthy for your cat. The oil and butter have the potential to inflict your cat with pancreatitis or a severely upset stomach. It only takes a small amount of salt to cause your cat to get dehydrated. Seasonings that contain garlic or onion can be toxic for your cat. These ingredients can all lead to long-term health implications such as diabetes or obesity for your pet, too.
We also tend to serve our potatoes hot, and mouth burns can be even worse for our pets than they are for us.
Luckily, most cats are discerning eaters. If yours is curious and wants to give potatoes a try, keep in mind that they’re not an appropriate or healthy treat for your cat and you should resist giving in to their demands. Instead, reach for a commercial cat treat. At the end of the day, potatoes just aren’t a healthy treat to add to a cat’s diet. The potential nutritional benefits are already included in their commercially available food, and the starch and carbohydrates in potatoes do not represent a balanced diet for cats. The best way to ensure your cat eats a healthy diet is to stick with the wet or dry cat food your veterinarian recommended.
Can cats eat potatoes?
Yes, cats can eat a small amount of potato, but only if it’s cooked and served with no additional ingredients such as oil, butter, salt or pepper.
Can cats eat raw potatoes?
No, raw potatoes contain a compound called solanine which is toxic to cats. It can cause gastrointestinal distress and even affect their nervous system. All potatoes need to be cooked before offering them to cats to break down the solanine compounds. The cooking method you use should not involve any oils, butter, salt or other seasonings, as these can all be harmful to your cat.
Can cats eat sweet potatoes?
Yes, cats can eat sweet potatoes but only in small amounts. Sweet potatoes do not contain solanine, making them safer for your cat in general. It’s recommended that you cook them first to make them easier to digest.
Can cats eat French fries?
No, cats should never eat French fries. The fat and oils they are cooked in are not healthy for your pet. Neither is the salt or other seasonings that have likely been added. Your cat can become easily dehydrated from a small amount of salt. Dehydration may require immediate veterinary attention.
Why is potato included in cat food?
Potatoes are often included as an additive in wet and dry cat food as a source of minerals and grain-free carbohydrates. While carbohydrates should never be the center of your cat's diet, a small amount of carbohydrates for cats is fine. Some veterinarians recommend that a balanced diet for cats can include as little as 1 to 2% carbohydrates.
Can cats eat potato chips?
No, cats should not eat potato chips. Much like french fries for cats, potato chips are cooked in oils and seasoned with salt and other flavors that are generally unsafe for cats. There is no need to allow your pet to eat potato chips.
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