Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream? 

Updated on July 18, 2024
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When the sun shines bright on a hot summer day, you may wonder, “Can dogs have ice cream?” They’ll certainly eat it if given a chance, but is it recommended from a health and nutrition standpoint? While not all ice cream contains ingredients that are toxic to your pup, the answer is still no.

Even a little plain ice cream can cause big problems for your pup, and this guide will explain why you should keep this tasty human dessert away from your pets. Contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA animal poison control hotline at 888-426-4435 (consultation fee may apply) if your dog manages to sneak any of the dangerous varieties discussed below.

Is ice cream good for dogs? 

Why exactly is ice cream bad for dogs? It begins with the most natural and organic ingredient used in most ice creams—milk. But as something puppies drink when they’re very young, why is milk bad for dogs? It’s because your dog’s mother’s milk is different from the bovine milk used in human ice cream. 

Canine digestive systems weren’t designed to digest bovine milk—or even digest their mother’s milk after a certain point. Dogs can also be lactose intolerant. In fact, they’re even more likely to be lactose intolerant than humans. After being weaned off of their mother’s milk, dogs’ bodies typically produce less lactase, inhibiting their ability to digest milk effectively. While dairy isn’t fatal, it can be an uncomfortable or painful situation for your dog and a potentially messy one for you.

What else can’t dogs eat that might be in ice cream? Sugar is not a healthy ingredient for your pet either. Their body has limited use for it, and it can quickly lead to obesity

and obesity-related health concerns. Ice cream can also be high in fat, which can cause pancreatitis in canines.

Another health concern is the potentially harmful flavors and additives. The most obvious flavoring that your dog should avoid is chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are both toxic to your pet. Low-sugar ice cream flavors are potentially dangerous because they may include the sweetener xylitol. This is a common artificial sweetener that’s fine for humans but toxic for dogs.

If you’re considering offering ice cream or any other sweet treat intended for humans to your dog—don’t! Puppy dogs and ice cream do not mix, as there are too many unhealthy ingredients that are not well-suited to your pet’s digestive system. Instead, opt for a safe ice cream treat made just for dogs!

What happens if my dog eats ice cream? 

If your dog does manage to eat a small amount of ice cream, most likely they will be fine. Keep a close eye on them and watch for gastrointestinal issues, such as flatulence or a grumbling stomach. The lactose or sugar could lead to indigestion and cause vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or gas.

If your dog ate ice cream with any potentially harmful ingredients, that’s a different story. You’ll want to monitor them closely for potentially dangerous side effects in those situations. The ingredients to be most concerned about are chocolate, cookie dough, bubble gum, raisins, grapes, coffee, macadamia nuts, avocado and artificial sweeteners such as xylitol. If your pet ate ice cream containing any of these toxic ingredients, immediately contact your veterinarian or ASPCA animal poison control and pass on all relevant information.

How can I prevent my dog from eating ice cream? 

Since it needs to be stored in an airtight freezer, it should be fairly easy to keep ice cream away from your pup. If you have children, make sure that they eat their ice cream treats over a counter or table and supervise the snacking process. Any pieces that fall on the floor should be picked up immediately to keep your pet from snagging a bite. As with other human foods, keep unattended bowls of ice cream out of your dog’s reach.

FAQs About Dogs Eating Ice Cream 

How much ice cream can my dog have?  

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The best answer to this question is “None.” Your dog should have no human ice cream at all.  

What can my dog not have? 

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Your dog should have no human ice cream at all. Potentially dangerous ingredients that are also popular ice cream flavors include chocolate, cookie dough, bubble gum, raisins, grapes, coffee, macadamia nuts, xylitol and avocado. If your dog has any amount of ice cream with these ingredients, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible and monitor your pet closely. Notify your vet of any symptoms as soon as they are seen.

Is there special ice cream just for dogs? 

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Yes, you can give your puppy dogs ice cream made especially for canines. Some brands offer some great alternatives to human ice cream when you want to provide your pet with something cold and sweet to eat. As with any other treat, dog-safe ice cream should only be offered in moderation. As with all new foods you offer your pet, you’ll first want to closely read the ingredients label to ensure there is nothing in the food that could be potentially harmful to your dog. It’s also recommended to consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your dog’s diet.

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