Every dog parent has likely been tempted to share a morsel of table food with their begging best friend. After all, how can you resist those sweet puppy dog eyes?
Before you do—be sure to learn which fruits and vegetables dogs can eat and especially which ones they shouldn’t. Dogs and humans don’t digest food the same way, meaning some food that’s delicious for you may be unhealthy or even poisonous for your dog.
That’s why it’s so important for pet parents to know exactly what their dog can eat. Read on to learn which fruits and veggies are fine for occasional snack-sharing and which need to stay far away.
Fruits are nature’s candy… right? Some fruits are perfectly fine and safe for your pup while others are unhealthy or even poisonous. Here’s a glossary of each fruit and how it impacts your dog.
Fruit | Can Dogs Eat This Fruit? |
Apples | Yes |
Avocados | No |
Bananas | Yes |
Blueberries | Yes |
Blackberries | Yes |
Cantaloupe | Yes |
Cherries | No |
Coconut | Yes |
Cranberries | Yes |
Grapes | No |
Honeydew | Yes |
Kiwi | Yes |
Lemons | No |
Mango | Yes |
Melon | Yes |
Nectarines | Yes |
Olives | Not recommended |
Oranges | Yes |
Papaya | Yes |
Peaches | Yes |
Pears | Yes |
Pineapple | Yes |
Plums | Yes |
Pumpkin | Yes |
Raspberries | Yes |
Raisins | No |
Strawberries | Yes |
Tomatoes | No |
Watermelon | Yes |
Can dogs eat apples? The short answer is yes. An apple can be a great snack choice for your best friend. As a great source of fiber and vitamins A and C, apples are an excellent low-calorie treat you can share with your dog. They’re low in fat and protein, and high in flavor for your pup. Ensure you remove the seeds and core before cutting the apple into chunks or slices before serving.
Can dogs eat avocado? No. Avocado is not safe for dogs to eat. When you’re slicing up an avocado for guacamole or toast, you may wonder if dogs can eat avocado too. But avocado is not appropriate for dogs—avocado skin and pits contain persin, a compound that’s toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea and in some cases, death. If your dog consumes any part of an avocado, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Can dogs eat bananas? Yes, bananas are a healthy snack, rich in potassium and vitamins, and they can be a great low-cholesterol, low-sodium treat for your dog. However, because bananas are high in sugar, they shouldn’t be a regular part of your dog’s diet and only fed in moderation.
Can dogs eat blueberries? Yes, blueberries are an excellent treat choice for your canine best friend and can be an alternative to regular dog treats. An antioxidant-rich superfood, blueberries are one of the healthiest options for a snack to keep your pup going, helping prevent cell damage and boosting heart, bone and skin health. They’re low in calories and a great size to toss to your dog as a reward during training sessions.
Can dogs eat blackberries? Yes, blackberries are fine for your dog to eat, but like many of the fruits on this list, they should only be enjoyed only in moderation. Like blueberries, blackberries are a healthy snack option low in both calories and sugar. And blackberries are loaded with a variety of vitamins, making them a nice alternative treat option for your dog. Plus, their bite-size shape makes them ideal during training sessions. Be sure to wash the blackberries before feeding to your pup.
Can dogs eat cantaloupe? Yes, cantaloupe is an excellent source of both water and fiber and is fine for dogs to eat in moderation. Low in calories and full of nutrients, cantaloupe can be a refreshing snack for your dog. Like many fruits on this list, however, cantaloupe has a high sugar content, so don’t share it with dogs who are overweight or diabetic. And only feed cantaloupe in small quantities on rare occasions.
Can dogs eat cherries? No, cherries contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs and can keep your dog’s blood cells from getting enough oxygen—potentially causing severe health problems. If your dog snags a cherry you drop on the floor, contact your vet as soon as possible and look out for signs of cyanide poisoning, such as difficulty breathing, seizures, unusually red gums, tremors and vomiting.
Can dogs eat coconut? Yes, this nutritious snack is fine to share with your canine in small amounts as an occasional treat. Coconut meat and oil contain protein as well as important minerals like manganese, which can help with bone health. Coconut can also aid joint and muscle pain and contains antioxidants that help boost your dog’s immune system. However, consult your veterinarian before giving your dog coconut because it can cause gastrointestinal upset and bloating in some cases.
Can dogs eat cranberries? Yes, cranberries are okay to feed dogs in small quantities and on rare occasions. Whether dried or fresh, cranberries make for a delicious snack and alternative to processed sweets, but if your dog eats too many, they may end up with slight nausea. Next time you’re snacking on fresh or dried cranberries, check to see there are no additives like sugar or Xylitol, and then toss one to your dog to see if they like it.
Can dogs eat grapes? No, dogs should never consume grapes. Both fresh grapes and raisins are incredibly toxic to dogs, regardless of age or breed. Grapes can cause sudden kidney failure in canines, and may even result in death. Keep this fruit well away from your pup, and if they accidentally consume a grape, get them to the veterinarian immediately. Be sure to keep an eye out for signs of grape poisoning, which include vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst and lethargy. And ensure that everyone in your home knows to keep grapes away from your dog.
Can dogs eat honeydew? The short answer is yes. Like other types of melon, honeydew contains a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients, plus it has a high water content, making it a hydrating snack for both humans and dogs. This melon is low in calories but should only be served in moderation infrequently. Make sure to remove the seeds and rind before feeding honeydew to your pup.
Can dogs eat kiwi? Yes, a bite-sized piece of kiwi is an okay snack for dogs and kiwi is full of nutrition, including potassium, vitamin C and fiber. In addition to its high vitamin and mineral content, kiwi is also high in lutein—a nutrient which promotes healthy eyesight in dogs and humans. Just make sure to remove the skin and seeds before offering a piece to your pup. As with any new food, consult your vet first and then pay attention to your dog for signs of a potential allergic reaction after feeding them their first bite of kiwi.
Can dogs eat lemons? No, lemons contain compounds that are toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even sensitivity to light. Lemon is an acquired taste, and even humans rarely eat it solo without a beverage or another food. Fortunately, dogs are unlikely to enjoy the sour taste and generally won’t pick up a lemon off the ground for a snack. However, if they do, make sure to contact your veterinarian immediately.
Can dogs eat mango? Yes, mango can be a delicious treat for dogs, as long as they only eat it in small amounts and in moderation. Ideal for a refreshing summer snack, mango is full of vitamins A, B6, C and E, as well as potassium and other nutrients. Be sure to remove the hard pit and skin first. Mango pit and skin can be a choking hazard and may even contain some cyanide, which is highly toxic to dogs. With its high sugar content, mango should only ever be an occasional treat for your pup.
Can dogs eat melon? Yes, melons can help promote digestive health for your dog, in addition to being a great source of fiber and vitamins. As with many types of melon, avoid feeding the melon seeds and rinds to your dog, as they can be a choking hazard or even cause blockages in their intestines. When serving melon, cut the fruit into small pieces and give it to your dog as a treat.
Can dogs eat nectarines? Yes, in limited quantities, nectarines can be a nice treat for dogs. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins as well as minerals and dietary fiber, nectarines are power-packed little snacks. They may be good for your pup’s digestive system and can even prevent constipation. However, nectarines are high in sugar, making them good for infrequent small servings. Be sure to remove any seeds first.
Can dogs eat olives? Technically, yes, but olives have no real nutritional benefits for dogs and shouldn’t be a regular part of their diet. Many olives contain a significant amount of salt, which has the potential to make your dog sick, and the fruit is often stuffed with other ingredients, like cheeses, which can cause an upset stomach in your pet. Your best bet is to just avoid olives altogether, but if you give one to your dog, make sure it’s not brined and doesn’t contain a pit, which could be a choking hazard.
Can dogs eat oranges? Yes, oranges can be a great treat for dogs to eat, but your pup may not be a fan of the strong citrus scent accompanying the fruit. Oranges are full of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Just be sure to fully peel the orange and only offer your dog the flesh inside without the seeds. Orange peel can wreak havoc on your pet’s digestive system.
Can dogs eat papaya? Yes, papaya is okay for dogs to eat and can even provide benefits to your pup’s digestive system. Like with many fruits, avoid feeding your dog papaya seeds or skin, both of which have the potential to cause blockage of their intestines. And if feeding papaya to your pup, only serve in small quantities are on rare occasions.
Can dogs eat peaches? Yes, peaches are fine for your dog to consume and can even help their body resist infection. Whether in a dessert or eaten fresh, peaches are a sweet and delicious treat for humans and dogs. Just make sure to remove the pit which contains cyanide—a poisonous substance to dogs—and opt for fresh peaches over canned ones, which tend to contain syrups full of sugar.
Can dogs eat pears? Yes, dogs can consume pears and enjoy all the health benefits pears have to offer. High in vitamins C and K, fiber and copper, pears are a great snack choice for pups. Always choose fresh pears instead of sugary canned pears and cut the pear into easy-to-eat chunks, removing the seeds and pit before feeding.
Can dogs eat pineapple? Yes, pineapple is fine for dogs to eat and can be a nice option for a sweet treat. Just make sure to fully peel the outside and remove the crown before feeding to your pup. Pineapples contain a variety of vitamins and fiber, as well as bromelain—an enzyme that can help your dog more easily absorb proteins. This fruit is also full of minerals, including manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron and even small amounts of calcium. Like most other tropical fruits, pineapples are high in sugar content, so they are best when fed as an infrequent small treat.
Can dogs eat plums? The short answer is no. While the flesh inside a plum isn’t toxic to dogs, the pit and the rest of the fruit contain cyanide, which is highly dangerous for dogs to consume. If your dog eats any part of a plum, get them to the vet immediately and look out for signs of cyanide poisoning, such as tremors, vomiting and difficulty breathing.
Can dogs eat pumpkin? Yes, pumpkin is a safe snack food for dogs to consume, and it may even help improve their skin and coat health as well as their digestion. Some vets may recommend pumpkin as an addition to meals when your dog is suffering from diarrhea or constipation, and you can purchase pumpkin-based treats and supplements for your dog. Just make sure that any canned pumpkin you feed your dog is 100% pumpkin and stay away from pumpkin pie mix or anything with additives.
Can dogs eat raspberries? Yes, raspberries are fine for dogs to eat in moderation. Like other berries, this tasty fruit contains antioxidants and is low in both sugar and calories, making it an excellent snack for dogs and humans alike. If you have a senior dog, raspberries may also help with arthritis and joint health. Just be sure to make this fruit an occasional treat for your dog and not a regular part of their diet.
Can dogs eat raisins? No, dogs should never consume raisins because they’re dried grapes, which are highly toxic to dogs. If your dog eats raisins, contact your veterinarian immediately and be aware of the signs of grape poisoning, which include vomiting, dehydration, shivering and reduced energy.
Can dogs eat strawberries? Yes, strawberries are a great snack for dogs and are full of fiber and vitamin C. This fruit can even help whiten your dog’s teeth, which is excellent for pet parents who struggle to maintain their pup’s dental health. Just remember that like most fruit, strawberries contain sugar and should only be fed to your dog in moderation.
Can dogs eat tomatoes? Sometimes. The green parts of the tomato plant contain tomatine and solanine—a toxic substance.
Can dogs eat watermelon? Yes, your dog can safely consume watermelon, as long as you remove the rind and seeds before feeding it to them. A favorite summer snack, watermelon is a common treat throughout the warmer months. Watermelon is great for hydration because it is mostly water, and the fruit even contains multiple vitamins, potassium and fiber, which contribute to a healthy digestive system.
Dogs are omnivores, which means that their bodies don’t require fruit or vegetables in the same way that human bodies do. But in many cases, an occasional vegetable picked up off the floor or added to your pup’s regular meal won’t hurt.
In fact, many vegetables are included in dog food recipes, especially fresh dog foods. But just like fruits, not all veggies are safe or healthy for dogs to consume. We’ve put together the list below to help dog parents know which vegetables are healthy to feed their pups and which should be avoided at all costs.
Vegetable | Can Dogs Eat This Vegetable? |
Asparagus | No |
Bell peppers | Yes |
Broccoli | Yes |
Brussel sprouts | Yes |
Cabbage | Yes |
Carrots | Yes |
Cauliflower | Yes |
Celery | Yes |
Corn | Yes |
Cucumbers | Yes |
Garlic | No |
Green beans | Yes |
Kale | No |
Lettuce | Yes |
Mint | Yes |
Mushrooms | No |
Onions | No |
Parsley | Yes |
Peas | Yes |
Peppers | No |
Pickles | Not recommended |
Potatoes | Yes |
Radishes | Yes |
Spinach | Yes |
Squash | Yes |
Sweet potatoes | Yes |
Zucchini | Yes |
Can dogs eat asparagus? No, dogs should not eat asparagus. While this vegetable doesn’t have any negative health effects for your pup, it also has no nutritional benefits. Dogs can’t really eat asparagus raw because of its toughness, and the veggie loses its nutrients when it’s cooked to softness. If you want to share a vegetable with your dog, go with a healthier option that has more nutritional value.
Can dogs eat bell peppers? Yes, bell peppers are not toxic or hazardous to dogs. Bell peppers are a delicious addition to many dishes, so you may easily drop a piece on the floor when slicing them up in the kitchen. But like any new food, they should be introduced to your dog carefully and not be a standard part of your pet’s diet. Bell peppers can be digested by dogs in moderation. They contain multiple vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, an antioxidant which can boost the health of your dog’s immune system.
Can dogs eat broccoli? Yes, broccoli is safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. High in fiber and low in fat, broccoli is a great treat for dogs, but it does contain isothiocyanates, which can cause an upset stomach in some pups. Don’t fret if you drop a piece of broccoli on the floor and your dog snaps it up but avoid making this snack a regular part of their diet.
Can dogs eat brussels sprouts? Yes, brussels sprouts are a safe snack for dogs to eat. This vegetable is full of antioxidants and nutrients that make it a healthy option for both humans and their best friends. However, you may want to avoid feeding your dog too many brussels sprouts for the sake of your own comfort, as this veggie can cause significant gas.
Can dogs eat cabbage? The short answer is yes, cabbage is safe for your dog to consume, but just like broccoli, it can cause intestinal distress and gas, even if eaten in small quantities. A common addition to a wide variety of dishes, cabbage is an excellent source of minerals such as potassium and calcium, as well as multiple vitamins.
Can dogs eat carrots? Yes, carrots are safe for dogs to eat. Carrots are a delicious, low-calorie snack for humans and dogs. High in fiber, this vegetable is a healthy snack for your dog and can even help improve your pup’s dental health. Carrots are included in many dog foods and are approved for your pet to consume.
Can dogs eat cauliflower? Yes, cauliflower is fine for dogs to consume in small quantities. This vegetable can even be a healthy treat alternative for your dog and is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Just make sure to cut cauliflower into bite-sized pieces to make it easy for your dog to eat.
Can dogs eat celery? Yes, celery is okay for dogs to eat. When you’re snacking on a crunchy stick of celery, it can be tempting to share with your pet. Celery is full of vitamins A, B and C, and this vegetable can contribute to heart health and even help fight cancer. Bonus: celery can help freshen your dog’s breath.
Can dogs eat corn? Yes, corn is safe for dogs to eat in moderation. One of the most common vegetables in any kitchen, corn is a staple of many dishes, including dog food recipes. Many dog foods include corn as an ingredient because the vegetable can help with digestion, as well as strengthen bones and muscles. Corn promotes gut health and is a rich source of antioxidants for dogs and humans alike.
Can dogs eat cucumbers? Yes, with almost no carbs, fats, or oils, cucumbers are a healthy snack for dogs as well as humans. If your dog is overweight, cucumbers can be a great option to help keep them healthy and have sometimes even been known to increase a dog’s energy levels. Rich with vitamins B1, C and K, in addition to copper, potassium, magnesium and biotin, cucumbers are one of the best snacks to share with your dog.
Can dogs eat garlic? No, garlic is toxic to dogs and can cause stomach issues and even anemia. Make sure to check the ingredient labels of any food for garlic before feeding it to your dog, and if your dog does consume garlic, contact your vet immediately.
Can dogs eat green beans? Yes, green beans are okay for dogs to eat, whether raw, canned or steamed. A common side dish, green beans contain multiple vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. If you decide to feed canned green beans to your pup, make sure to choose a low-sodium or no-salt option. This veggie is definitely a good, low-calorie snack to add to your dog’s diet on the rare occasion.
Can dogs eat kale? No, kale is not safe for dogs and can even cause medical issues, such as kidney and bladder stones. An ingredient in everything from salads to smoothies these days, kale is known to have tons of health benefits for humans. But this vegetable can cause upset stomach in dogs and interfere with proper thyroid function, so it’s best to keep this superfood away from your pup.
Can dogs eat lettuce? Yes, lettuce is safe for dogs to eat in moderation, whether of the romaine, arugula or iceberg varieties. Lettuce is a low-calorie snack option that’s good for overweight dogs. It’s also a fantastic source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as fiber. The high water content of lettuce makes it a healthy and hydrating option, but keep in mind that iceberg lettuce is mostly water and has limited nutrients for dogs and humans alike.
Can dogs eat mint? Yes, mint in limited quantities is safe for dogs and can even soothe an upset stomach. However, too much mint can result in liver or kidney problems, as well as vomiting and diarrhea. Sprinkling a little bit of mint on your dog’s food can allow them to enjoy its many benefits, such as vitamins A and C, which contribute to healthy bones, skin and vision.
Can dogs eat mushrooms? No, dogs should not be fed mushrooms. There are thousands of mushroom species found in the wild and in grocery stores, and only some mushroom species are toxic to dogs, but the ones that are poisonous can cause severe illness and even death. While the mushrooms you purchase at the grocery store are likely safe, it’s better to err on the side of caution and avoid feeding mushrooms to your dog.
Can dogs eat onions? No, dogs should never consume onions because they are part of the Allium plant family that is poisonous to dogs as well as cats. A tasty addition to many recipes, onions are a common kitchen staple. But eating onions can cause vomiting, stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea in your dog, so if your dog consumes an onion, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Can dogs eat parsley? Yes, dogs can eat parsley in limited quantities. Known as a superfood for humans, parsley is rich in vitamins and minerals. But too much parsley can potentially cause diarrhea. This vegetable can benefit your dog’s immune system, improve their vision and even promote kidney health. If you want to safely add parsley to your dog’s diet, many treats, foods and dental chews are made with parsley—an easy way for your pet to reap the benefits of this superfood.
Can dogs eat peas? Yes, peas are safe for dogs to consume, whether they’re snow peas, green peas, sugar snap peas or any of the other varieties. These vegetables are high in protein and fiber and contain several vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B-1, B-6 and C, as well as vitamin K, which can boost bone health. Your dog can enjoy fresh or frozen peas in their dinner bowl, but try to avoid canned peas, which have a higher sodium content.
Can dogs eat peppers? No, not all types of peppers are safe for dogs to eat. Peppers are a healthy snack and recipe addition for humans. While bell peppers are healthy in any color, chili peppers should never be fed to dogs because they can cause gastrointestinal issues. However, bell peppers are a healthy snack and source of many vitamins that can contribute to the health of your dog’s immune system.
Can dogs eat pickles? Yes, dogs can technically eat pickles, but they tend to be high in sodium, making them a less-than-healthy option for your pet. Whether on a sandwich or burger or as a snack all on their own, pickles are a tasty treat for humans. But while pickles are low in calories and contain vitamins and minerals, some options may contain ingredients that could be harmful to your dog. Just to be safe, it’s best to avoid pickles and choose a healthier snack to share with your pup.
Can dogs eat potatoes? Yes, potatoes are safe for dogs to eat in limited quantities when they’re cooked. An excellent source of protein and fiber, as well as some vitamins and minerals, potatoes can boost your dog’s energy. However, this veggie should only be given to your pup as an occasional treat and not added as a regular part of their diet.
Can dogs eat radishes? Yes, dogs can consume radishes in moderation. While not a common vegetable in most kitchens, radishes can be a healthy option for many humans. And radishes contain vitamins, minerals and fiber that can support the health of your dog’s digestive system. However, stay away from horseradish and wild radishes, neither of which are safe for your pup to eat.
Can dogs eat spinach? Yes, spinach is safe for dogs to eat, but only rarely and in moderation. This vegetable has almost no nutritional benefits for dogs, and spinach contains oxalic acid, which can lead to kidney damage in some cases. Your dog would have to eat a lot of spinach for this to be an issue, but it’s best to choose another vegetable with more health benefits and fewer risks to add to your dog’s diet.
Can dogs eat squash? Yes, squash is safe for dogs to consume. A delicious vegetable containing tons of vitamins and nutrients, squash is good for humans and dogs on rare occasions. Your pup can enjoy the same benefits of squash that you do, including its potassium, magnesium, fiber and phosphorous. Adding squash to your dog’s diet can help improve their vision, boost their immune system and improve cardiovascular functions. Dogs can eat any type of squash, and each has its own unique benefits. For example, butternut squash is filled with potassium, while acorn squash boasts vitamin A, folate and vitamin B-6.
Can dogs eat sweet potatoes? Yes, sweet potatoes are safe to feed to your pup. These vegetables provide tons of health benefits, such as supporting the nervous system, fighting disease and reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. Ideal for an occasional snack or treat for your dog, sweet potatoes are also included in many treats and foods available for pets.
Can dogs eat zucchini? Yes, dogs can consume zucchini, and it can be a nutritious addition to your pup’s diet. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, zucchini is also low in calories and encourages the growth of helpful gut bacteria. This vegetable is a healthy alternative to processed treats, excellent for overweight dogs that need to cut back on calorie intake.