Signs of Parvovirus: What Every Pet Parent Needs to Know

Updated on February 03, 2023
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Getting a new puppy is an exciting time for pets and their parents, and you’re both ready for plenty of snuggles and playtime. You may have already researched proper puppy care like potty training, nutrition and, importantly, what dog and puppy vaccines your new pet will require. In all that research, you likely heard a lot about one of the deadliest puppy diseases—canine parvovirus.

Let’s take a closer look at the warning signs of parvovirus in dogs, what breeds are most vulnerable and the most common ways it can be treated and prevented.

What is parvo in dogs?

Canine parvovirus—or parvo—is a highly contagious viral infection that affects not only dogs, but also coyotes, wolves, foxes and other wild animals. Most cases of parvo occur in puppies between six weeks and six months old. The first signs of parvo in dogs are usually loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea.

While parvo is very serious, it isn’t always a death sentence, and it can be treated through veterinary care if caught early enough. Of course, prevention is the best course of action, and the proper vaccinations will help your puppy avoid a parvo infection altogether.

What are the parvovirus symptoms in dogs?

When a dog is infected with canine parvovirus, it usually takes three days to a week for symptoms to develop. The primary parvovirus symptoms in dogs include:

  • Lethargy or a general lack of energy
  • Vomiting, sometimes with blood
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea, many times with blood
  • Decreased appetite
  • Sudden weight loss

Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances may occur as a result of vomiting and diarrhea, as well as from parvo’s ability to impair nutrient absorption from food. It can also impact gut barrier function. These are how parvo can weaken your dog’s immune system and possibly cause secondary infections—either viral or bacterial.

Parvo also compromises the lining of your dog’s intestines, allowing blood and protein to leak into the intestines, which lead to edema and/or anemia. It can also enable endotoxins to leak into the bloodstream, potentially leading to a condition known as endotoxemia. By this point, your dog’s white blood cell count will have dropped, and they may develop a distinctive, unpleasant odor.

Since the advanced stages of parvo can lead to shock and even death, immediately seek veterinary attention as soon as you notice parvo symptoms.

What causes canine parvovirus?

Parvo in dogs is caused by a virus called canine parvovirus type 2. It is a relatively new virus that appeared in Europe in 1976 and was officially recognized for the first time in 1978. There is also a form of feline parvo caused by the closely related feline panleukopenia virus.

Parvo is one of the hardiest viruses known to the scientific community. While most flu viruses die outside a host body in less than 24 hours, parvo can live in feces and the surrounding soil for up to a year, regardless of the weather. The virus is able to endure extreme temperatures—both high and low—without difficulty. Because of its highly virulent nature, the disease spread worldwide in under two years.

How do dogs get parvo?

Canine parvovirus spreads through direct contact with feces. However, it can spread through very small amounts—like if your dog encounters an object that has traces of the virus on it or even if they sniff a bit of waste at the dog park. Even tracking waste inside on your shoes can be enough to expose an unvaccinated puppy.

If your dog hasn’t had their full vaccinations yet, always pay attention to what they’re doing when you’re out for a walk and keep them away from other dogs until they are fully vaccinated. When you return indoors, wipe their paws and your shoes, and always keep their play and sleep areas clean.

How long does canine parvovirus last?

Parvovirus moves quickly in dogs—if left untreated, it can kill them in two to three days. After you see the first parvovirus symptoms, your dog’s condition will likely worsen within 24 hours, and the worst of the disease will occur over the next three or four days. To give your pup any chance of survival, you will need to seek veterinary care immediately. A typical hospital stay will be five to seven days long to ensure complete recovery. However, pets who survive the first four days generally have a good prognosis.

Which dog breeds are most vulnerable to parvo?

Although puppies of all breeds are at risk for contracting parvo, some breeds seem more susceptible to parvo than others. These include:

Dog parents of all breeds should be aware of this disease and the benefits of vaccination, as this infection can be deadly. If your puppy begins showing any signs of parvo, you should contact your veterinarian immediately and be cautious of your pet’s interactions and movements until they are fully vaccinated.

Can cats get parvo?

Although parvovirus primarily affects dogs, it has been known to make the species jump to other mammals. Canine parvovirus can be transmitted to cats; however, they will be asymptomatic carriers, meaning the virus won’t actually lead to disease. As far as veterinarians know, cats also can’t give the virus back to dogs.

However, cats do have their own form of the virus. Feline parvo is caused by the feline panleukopenia virus, which is closely related to the canine variety. It has similar symptoms and treatment to canine parvovirus and a similar prognosis—meaning it requires immediate treatment. As in dogs, there is a vaccine available for feline parvo.

Can humans get parvovirus?

While there is a form of parvovirus that affects humans—parvovirus B19—you can’t contract the disease from your dog. The human form of parvovirus is very common—especially in schoolchildren—and usually causes only mild symptoms, if any. Just as you can’t contract parvo from your dog, you also can’t give your dog the human form of parvovirus.

How is parvovirus diagnosed?

A simple stool sample is often all that is needed to diagnose parvovirus in dogs. If you notice parvo symptoms, take a sealable bag when you pick up after your dog and bring both the sample and your pup to the vet.

Sometimes, parvo can be confused with canine coronavirus or other forms of small intestine inflammation, known as enteritis. If this is ever the case, the presence of blood in the stool, a low white blood cell count and possible necrosis of the intestinal lining help your veterinarian make the correct diagnosis so they can help get your dog treatment as quickly as possible.

How is parvovirus treated?

When it comes to parvovirus in dogs, treatment may include an initial hospitalization. The infection often leads to severe dehydration and can also damage your dog’s intestines and bone marrow. Around-the-clock veterinary care is often necessary and crucial. Treatment typically involves providing intravenous fluids to offset dehydration and nutrition therapy to help your dog regain strength and vitality.

Medication to help control vomiting might also be included, as well as a course of antibiotics and antivirals to deal with secondary infections. In some extreme cases, a blood or plasma transfusion from a donor dog might be required.

Can my dog survive parvo?

Yes—with adequate treatment, dogs can survive parvo. The survival rate varies depending on how quickly parvo is diagnosed, the dog’s age and the aggressiveness of the treatment. Left untreated, the virus has a 91% mortality rate. However, the survival rate is more than 70% with effective veterinary intervention. Sadly, younger puppies are more susceptible to the virus because of their less developed immune systems.

While there’s still no specific cure for parvo in dogs, early detection and proper medical treatment can significantly improve their chances of survival.

How do I prevent parvovirus in dogs?

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—and when it comes to parvo, that statement was never more accurate. If you’re wondering what vaccines dogs and cats really need, the parvovirus vaccine should definitely be on that list.

It is recommended that puppies get at least three rounds of vaccinations to help protect them from parvo and other preventable diseases. Shots are recommended at 6–9 weeks, 9–12 weeks and 12–16 weeks, with boosters after that when required. In some high-risk situations, puppies younger than 6 weeks may receive a parvo vaccine. Even if that is the case with your puppy, you should still plan for 3 rounds of vaccines in these age ranges, or follow your vet’s specific recommendations.

Although it is important to socialize your puppy with other dogs early on, avoid socializing with unfamiliar or unvaccinated dogs until two weeks after your pet gets their last round of vaccinations—just to be on the safe side. For high-risk breeds, be particularly cautious until your puppy is fully vaccinated. Be sure to follow any specific recommendations your vet makes for your individual dog.

While effective parvo treatments are available, there’s still a risk of death—even in dogs with well-developed immune systems. Knowing the signs of parvo can help lead to an earlier diagnosis and increase your pup’s chances of survival, but it’s most effective to avoid the need for treatment by vaccinating your dog against parvovirus.

Our Dog Care Guide can provide more information on vaccinations, recognizing signs of good health in your pet and more. Canine parvovirus is an extremely serious disease that requires immediate treatment, so if you have any concerns about your dog’s wellbeing, always seek out veterinary services as soon as possible.


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