If your pet has chronic pain concerns such as arthritis or has recently had a surgical procedure, your veterinarian may prescribe gabapentin to help make them more comfortable. Gabapentin is commonly used in cats for pain control, but it may also be prescribed as a calming agent or to help with seizure disorders.
Gabapentin—also known by the brand names Neurontin, Aclonium and Equipax—is not suitable for every cat. For instance, it’s not usually prescribed for pregnant animals. Read on to learn when your vet may prescribe this drug and what to expect when your pet takes it.
Gabapentin is a pharmaceutical drug that may be prescribed to your cat by a veterinarian after a thorough physical exam.
The primary use of gabapentin for cats is to help reduce pain, specifically chronic or acute nerve pain. Gabapentin is also used as an anticonvulsant to help control seizure disorders in cats.
Although no one in the veterinary or pharmaceutical industries knows precisely how gabapentin works in pets, the most common theory is that the drug inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain. However, it appears to calm specific parts of the brain and helps relieve pain in many different animals, including cats.
Gabapentin was initially created for use in humans, but it has since been introduced into veterinary medicine. It’s often considered an extra-label drug, which means the instructions required for your pet’s use may differ from those on the manufacturer’s label. Your vet will assess the other drugs your pet is on and give you personalized guidelines for dosage and schedules.
As mentioned above, an exam is required before prescribing gabapentin, as some cats may not be good candidates for it. Pets who are pregnant, lactating or experiencing concurrent diseases may need an alternative solution.
Your veterinarian may suggest gabapentin for the following issues:
Gabapentin can be used to treat all these conditions in cats. However, there are some species-specific prescription patterns. Cats have usually been prescribed gabapentin for anxiety. Your cat may receive a prescription for this drug for specific stressful situations that have caused them anxiety in the past.
The appropriate dose for your cat depends on a few different factors. If you have a prescription for one pet in your home, it’s usually not recommended to use the same pills for another animal.
Gabapentin dosage for cats depends on:
Gabapentin is usually administered every eight to 12 hours. The medication will typically start to take effect within one to two hours, so you should plan your dose appropriately if you want it to take effect before traveling with your pet.
As with any medication, your pet can take too large a dosage of gabapentin. An overdose may be indicated by pale or dark gums, depression, more staggering than usual, and vomiting or diarrhea. If you suspect an overdose, call your veterinarian immediately for emergency care. You can also talk to them about reducing the dose in the future.
Common gabapentin doses include gabapentin 100 mg, gabapentin 300 mg and gabapentin 800 mg. Doses are most often given in capsule or tablet form. You can administer the medication with or without food. If your cat becomes nauseous after taking this pill, you may want to try hiding it inside a tasty pill pocket.
An oral solution is available, but it’s typically recommended for people only since it often includes xylitol, which is toxic to cats. Do not give your excess liquid gabapentin to your cat as it may be unsafe.
Gabapentin side effects in cats are typically mild. Sleepiness is the primary side effect, but that may be beneficial depending on your pet’s condition. Your pet may also experience some incoordination and staggering. If you don’t want your pet to grow sleepy, your vet may be able to recommend a smaller dose.
Other side effects include vomiting, diarrhea and swelling of the limbs. If your pet experiences any of these side effects, tell your vet immediately. Side effects should go away after 12 hours but may linger if your pet has kidney or liver problems.
Most gabapentin for cats can be stored at room temperature. As long as you keep the medication away from humidity and moisture, it can be kept in any room. If you are using a liquid solution, your vet may ask you to store it in the refrigerator.
Gabapentin tablets can be handled with your bare hands. If your pet is not able or willing to swallow the medication in pill form, you can utilize pill pockets or pill wraps to ease dosing
Here are some additional tips for giving your cat gabapentin. Knowing how to handle a missed dose and what to do if your pet also takes CBD can help you appropriately administer this medication.
Giving your pets the proper medication can be crucial in helping keep them well and promoting overall health. Gabapentin can be used to treat pain and seizures, and it may even help your cat enjoy their next car ride. If you’re looking for other ways to help keep your pet happy and healthy, check out our selection of cat vitamins, cat nutrition and cat first aid.
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