Cats can be wonderful companions. When a new feline enters your heart and home, getting to know them is part of the fun of being a pet parent. Even though they’re not human, you might find yourself marveling at how much you and your cat have in common—from curiosity to affection to a love of naps. But you might not know that one of the most common things cats share with the humans who love them is the possibility of allergies.
If you’ve experienced itchy eyes, a runny nose, wheezy breathing or an upset stomach, you know how aggravating allergies can be—and how many different triggers can cause them to flare up.
But cat allergies are a little different from ours. If you learn what symptoms to look for, you can identify and help treat common cat allergies so your favorite feline can get back to their favorite activities—like curling up on your lap in comfort.
If you’ve noticed that your cat is chronically itchy and haven’t been able to identify a cause, there’s a good chance you’ve seen feline allergies in action. Just like their pet parents, cats can sometimes develop allergies to a wide variety of irritants inside the home or out in nature. The surfaces they touch, the things they eat and the air around them are all full of potential allergens that may affect a cat, but unlike us, most allergy symptoms involve a cat’s skin. Common symptoms of allergies in cats include:
Cats may also sneeze when they inhale allergens or have vomiting or diarrhea with food allergies, but symptoms involving the skin are still the most common problem with most types of cat allergy.
Pollens, molds, dust mites or specific ingredients in food—they’re not just potential triggers for people with allergies, they’re also some of the things that can sometimes cause cat allergies to flare up. Even if none of the humans in your house is sensitive to these things, keep in mind that your cat could be feeling sick or grumpy due to these common catalysts for feline allergies:
If your cat’s symptoms are seasonal, they could have a pollen allergy. Grasses, trees, flowers and weeds can all be allergy triggers for cats, as can mold and mildew.
No cat likes fleas, but cats with flea allergies like them even less. Those irritating bites are extra miserable for flea-allergic felines.
A cat showing signs of tummy trouble—like vomiting, bloating or diarrhea—in addition to having itchy skin could have a sensitivity to something in their diet.
From dust to detergent, any number of factors inside your home could be causing discomfort for your cat. Other possible household allergens or irritants include chemicals, cleaners, perfumes, cat litter and even surfaces made of certain types of plastic or rubber.
Your cat’s immune system could be reacting to a medication they’re receiving, such as a flea medication or a medicated shampoo.
Cigarette allergies and irritation aren’t just for people—your cat maybe suffering from cigarette smoke in the house.
If you know what symptoms to look for, you’ll be able to help relieve a range of common cat allergies. Keep an eye on your cat with allergy symptoms like the following:
Cats may bite and scratch at their skin when they’re feeling itchy. Pay attention to increased fur nibbling and take a look at your cat’s paws. If they look tender and your kitty keeps chewing them, it could be a sign of dermatitis. Tail chewing could also indicate allergies, especially a flea allergy.
Flea bite allergies and atopic dermatitis (allergic skin disease that has an underlying genetic cause) can give cats the same swollen, red or crusty patches on their skin that are familiar to humans with dermatitis. A cat allergy skin reaction might be harder to spot under all that fur, but take a look if your cat seems itchier than usual or while grooming.
Inflamed skin—and the scratching and biting that goes along with it—can cause your cat’s fur to get thin in patches. Constantly irritated places may lead to bald spots.
Respiratory and nasal symptoms could be a sign that your cat is having an allergic reaction or irritant reaction to something in their environment.
Yes, cats can have watery eyes and runny noses in response to allergies, although these symptoms are much less common in cats than they are in people.
Allergies of all types can lead to an increased chance of ear infections.
A food sensitivity could be upsetting your cat’s stomach. Most cats with food allergies also have skin problems.
You’ll never meet a cat who enjoys hosting a flea infestation, but fleas are even worse for felines with flea allergies. For these cats, flea bites are particularly unpleasant, as they’re dealing with the regular itch from the bites as well as their allergic reaction to the fleas’ saliva. If you think your cat might have a flea allergy, look at their skin. You may notice flea dirt, which looks like flakes of black pepper but is actually the feces that adult fleas leave behind. Pay attention to whether your cat is scratching more heavily around their tail and hind legs and whether they’re losing fur in these areas.
The best flea treatment for cats is preventive care. It’s important to consult your veterinarian and get your cat on a good year-round flea medicine to help treat infestations or stop them before they start. And if you suspect your cat is allergic to fleas, it’s even more crucial to prevent irritation.
While a cat allergic to catnip isn’t unheard of, it’s very rare. It is more common for cats to feel some gastrointestinal discomfort if they consume too much catnip. Cats don’t typically get the chance to overindulge in the good stuff, but if they do happen to eat a lot of catnip, they may have some diarrhea or vomiting for a short period of time. These negative effects typically don’t last long, and your cat should feel better once the episode is over.
Cat allergies can strike at any time, but they might worsen during the blooming season, when all those lovely trees, grasses and plants release their pollens.
If you notice that your cat's allergy symptoms are seasonal it might be time to look for a cat allergy medicine. Consult a veterinarian and check out Petco’s selection of cat allergy relief medicine to find something that will help relieve your cat’s discomfort. Keeping your cat indoors with the windows shut, bathing them frequently (if possible!), and ramping up your schedule can all help, too.
It’s no surprise that gastrointestinal symptoms could be a sign of food sensitivity in your cat, and diarrhea and vomiting could indicate that your cat’s food isn’t agreeing with them. You might be less aware that symptoms like ear infections and skin irritation can also point to something in your cat’s diet. True food allergies are not that common and can usually only be diagnosed by a vet, but cats can also develop non-allergic food sensitivities. Ingredients like dairy, fish, eggs or beef are the most common triggers for food allergies in cats.
Keep in mind that cats can also be allergic to common substances like rubber and cleaning chemicals, so if your cat has irritated skin around their mouth, you’ll want to make sure their dishes or eating area aren’t to blame. Choosing cat food and supplies that help keep them feeling their best is a wonderful way for you to show how much you love being a pet parent. And performing a DNA test on your cat may also help you identify certain predispositions for some allergies.
It’s true that there are a lot of things cats could potentially be allergic to, but there are just as many cat allergy remedies and preventive steps to help your cat companion feel well. Try the following to help your kitty combat allergies:
Cat Fur is a great hiding place for pollens, dust, mold spores and other irritants. Bathing your cat frequently—as often as weekly, if needed—can often help keep potential allergens away from your cat, and using a medicated shampoo designed specifically for allergies can be a good treatment for itchy, inflamed skin.
Keeping your home as free as possible of dust, mildew, cigarette smoke and harsh chemicals can bring your kitty relief. Washing their bedding frequently with hypoallergenic detergent may also help prevent an allergic reaction on their skin.
Perfumes, chemicals and dust may all trigger cat allergies, so make sure your litter is as hypoallergenic as possible if you suspect it’s the culprit.
Natural cat food free of additives and common allergic triggers can help keep your cat’s skin and belly happy.
Help stop flea allergy symptoms before they start by consulting your veterinarian and finding a good year-round flea medication.
Browse the pet pharmacy for cats and consult your veterinarian to find supportive cat allergy treatment options.
The only certain way to diagnose cat allergies is through a visit to the veterinarian. A vet may perform a diagnostic cat allergy test—using either a blood test or skin testing—and will often recommend prescription or nonprescription allergy treatments or cat allergy shots. If you’ve tried alleviating your cat’s allergy symptoms and they still seem uncomfortable, Petco’s veterinary services can help you find out what’s behind all that itching, sneezing or tummy trouble. Nobody should have to live with discomfort from allergies when there are so many good preventive steps and symptom-relieving treatments available—and that goes for your cat, too.
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