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DIY Paw Print Ornament

paw ornament image

Looking for a unique way to include your pet in holiday decorating? Create a fun holiday tradition with your pets with this festive DIY paw print ornament to hang on your tree!

This simple ornament craft is also a great gift for family and friends during the holiday season.

First, mix the three ingredients together in a bowl with your hands and then place the dough on a sheet of floured wax paper. The dough can be very sticky, so you may need to sprinkle some flour on it when using the rolling pin.

rolling pin with dough image

This was a breeze with our dog paw model, Sadie, but wasn’t so easy with our cat friend, Jack.

dog paw pressing into dough image

Every pet is different and although Jack is adorable and one of the sweetest cats, he wasn’t too fond with the salt dough on his paw. His ornament had two paw prints, but we thought it turned out pretty cute! This is jack before we woke him up for this paw print.

cat sleepign on couch image
cat paw pressing into dough image

Once the ornaments are cooled from the oven, use Mod Podge and glitter to decorate the ornament. This craft is fun because you can customize it with whatever color glitter you want.

ornament decoration image
ornaments decorated image
hanging paw ornament image


  • ½ cup salt
  • 2 ½ cup white flour
  • ½ cup water


  • Scissors
  • Wax paper
  • Cookie cutters (large enough to fit a paw)
  • Twine or ribbon
  • Glitter
  • Rolling pin
  • Mod Podge
  • Straw
  • Foam paint brush

Paw Print Ornament Directions

  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
  2. Combine all ingredients into a bowl and mix with hands.
  3. Take dough mix and place it on flour covered wax paper and roll out the dough. You may need to add flour as you’re rolling. Be sure to put flour on the rolling pin so the dough doesn’t stick to it.
  4. Take a cookie cutter and cut out how many ornaments you want to make.
  5. Use a straw to make a hole on top of each ornament.
  6. Place in oven for 2-3 hours.
  7. 7. Allow to cool and apply Mod Podge with a foam paint brush. Next, apply the glitter to the indents of the paw.
  8. 8. Put twine or ribbon through the hole and hang it on the tree!

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