Call us territorial, but as pet parents we like to have a place to call our own. Your pooch is no different, and having a comfortable space is extremely important. Whether it's a blanket, a cedar-filled cushion, a dog house or an exercise pen, a little restoration can go a long way. By giving your pup a fresh crate liner, a new cushion or a new cushion cover, you can breathe new life into old favorites.
If your dog's furniture is looking a little worn or ragged, it's a great time to freshen up. Besides being an eyesore, tattered bedding can pose a health risk to your dog. High quality materials will last longer and look nicer. Another good opportunity to renovate your dog's space is the holiday season or your pooch's birthday, but a new bed will require a bit of adjustment.
When it comes time for something new, your dog might not be as thrilled with the gift as you had hoped. Dogs are creatures of habit, and they prefer things with a familiar feel and scent. You can simplify your pup's acceptance by incorporating something old with the new:
Once your pooch is all curled up in the new pad, examine the rest of the house for any eyesores. Now is the perfect time to replace the cereal bowl your pup noses across the floor, or the water dish that spills more than it holds.
A Great Dane shouldn't sleep like a Pomeranian, so whatever style of dog furniture or accessories you choose, make sure your selections suit your pet's size and breed. Appropriately sized items will lessen strain on your dog's back and neck.
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