Hi, Today i turned my horse out in the field and she had a locking stifle. she has never ever had an issue like this before and is in full work and very healthy. what would your advise be? give her a couple of days to rest or ride her like normal? i do have a sponsored 10 mile ride on monday that i want to make sure that she is able to do. She is currently out in the field and walking on it but is a little stiff in the trot. If more info is required then feel free to give me a call.
Updated On April 12th, 2017
Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | spayed
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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A locking stifle is also known as an upward fixation of the patella. I would have the vet come out to see Sapphire today to confirm that she does have a locking stifle. Typically diagnosis is pretty straight forward, but the vet can determine if she has a mild case or not. The important is diagnosing if it's a mild case or not is that dictates the treatment program. Mild cases can be helped with exercise and balanced hoof trims, and severe cases may need the farrier to apply corrective shoes or pads to help the hoof break over before the locking occurs. In very severe cases, surgery is needed to resolve this issue. Have the vet come out today or tomorrow to examine Sapphire and discuss treatment options for her. I hope this helps!
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