I have a parakeet who has been laying eggs continually for about a year and a half. When she starts, I put out plastic eggs for her to lay on (and take out her eggs). She lays on them for 2 weeks, realizes they aren't hatching and comes up to play with her boyfriend. Within a few days she is back to laying more eggs. This time she also lost her flight feathers on one wing. Is this connected to her egg laying?

Updated On November 13th, 2016

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female | unspayed | -1 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

It is possible the stress of chronic egg laying may be affecting her appearance and feathers. Remove any nesting boxes in the cage. If she's laying in the seed bowl, use a smaller container that she cannot sit in. Limit Camille's exposure to daylight to 8 hours or less. Use a dark cage cover or sheet to block light if necessary. Use a calcium fortified seed mix. Leave the fake eggs in the cage for at least 4 weeks.

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