My lizard just fell from a couch to the hardwood floor. What do I need to watch for?

Updated On December 14th, 2017

Pet's info: Reptile | Bearded Dragon | Female | unspayed | 6 years and 4 months old

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Answered By Emi Knafo, DVM, DACZM

Veterinarian, Board-Certified Zoological Medicine Specialist

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Hello! I’m sorry Lizzie had a fall. First, look her over for any asymmetry in her face, mouth, spine and legs. Watch her breathing and ability to walk normally. She may not be too keen on being handled right away, so let her rest in her enclosure for a time and observe her undisturbed. If you’re worried about her ability to walk or balance, remove any branches or platforms. If you see any discoloration, blood, asymmetry, weakness, signs of trauma or fracture, then have her seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Otherwise, it’s fine to keep a close eye on her and just let her rest. Offer food as normal, but realize if she’s in pain she may not want to eat. Good luck!

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