My dog has swollen nipples and vag after being in heat.... She was around a unneautered male. Could she be pregnant?

Updated On December 17th, 2017

Pet's info: Dog | Pit Bull Terrier | Female | unspayed | 70 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Dayna, DVM, CVA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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Yes, it is very possible that she may be pregnant. However, occasionally dogs will experience a “false pregnancy “. Dogs will even lactate during this false pregnancy. If you do not want her to have puppies then I would recommend scheduling her for a spay as soon as possible. Otherwise a pregnancy is about 65 days. I would encourage you to have her evaluated by your veterinarian to discuss pregnancy and perinatal care if she is pregnant. Thank you for using Pet Coach.

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