Recently Rosie has become really bad with having her saddle put on and girth done up. Yesterday she was kicking out, trying to bite and being very aggressive...this is completely out of character! I think she may have ulcers, how can I treat these cheaply without getting a vet if possible? I’m also going to get a physio to check her back but I do think it’s ulcers and I don’t have a high budget to solve this

Updated On January 28th, 2018

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | unspayed | 9 years old

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Answered By Mirissa Duncil, DVM


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Hi there. First it’s important to make sure that your saddle fits properly-you aren’t pinching when you tighten your girth or tightening too quickly-both of which can cause discomfort in your mare. It really is best to have her scoped by a vet to check for ulcers, as well as an oral exam to make sure there is no pain in the mouth-sometimes they just associate pain with riding and it doesn’t matter the source of the pain (saddle, bit, etc) they just know it hurts them. Gastrogard is usually what I try first for ulcers. It is commercially available in many stores as well as online. If you suspect ulcers, you may also want to reevaluate how much grain you are feeding. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask. Hope this helps.

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