Our red eared slider Turtle has developed some white patches on his upper shell. He seems fine otherwise but the spots are slowly spreading. He gets natural sunlight outside 5 days a week but we are worried this may not be enough. A few pieces of his underneath shell have also peeled off last week. The tank water is well heated and filtered. Thanks

Updated On February 13th, 2018

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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You can use a UVB bulb indoors to supplement lighting. Be sure it is no more than 14-16 inches away from the surface of the basking spot and not blocked by glass or plexiglass. A multivitamin and a calcium/D3 supplement should also be used. Float a cuttlebone in the tank. Bongo will munch on it when needed. You can use a soft bristled brush and diluted betadine to gently scrub the affected areas. Dry dock (keep out of the water) him for about 1-2 hours after cleaning daily. If the spots do not resolve, have him examined by your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating turtles. Read more about slider care here: http://www.anapsid.org/reslider.html

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