My turtle has gained weight and I have recently found out that she is pregnant she has become very aggressive and so has the other turtle in the tank. I have two red ear sliders one is a male one is a female. I do not know what to do with her I put her in a tank with dirt so that she can lay her eggs but it has been over a month and nothing has happened. Every time I put her in the tank with the other male Turtle they always fight and get aggressive I do not know what to do please help.

Updated On December 20th, 2016

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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A gravid (pregnant) RES is very particular about the site she chooses to lay her clutch of eggs. Substrate, temperature, lighting and humidity all play roles in selection. Follow the link for information regarding mating, egg laying and incubation. Gestation is about 8 weeks after mating. If it has been longer, TeTe should be examined by your herp veterinarian. An injection can be given to stimulate laying. If you are not set up for incubation or don't have buyers lined up, you can discard the eggs. RES are not endangered and are actually over populated. You can easily find yourself overwhelmed with hatchlings as a female RES can lay several clutches each season if conditions are right.

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