Yesterday I noticed my horses hind right fetlock was slightly swollen, there was no heat, when walking she favored it and when trotting she was lame on it. We packed her hoof with epsom salt poultice and poultices her leg as there was also clicking coming from her stifle. All her legs have been wrapped in standing wraps for support. Today we came and was still favoring and was lame on it. Swelling came down a little bit there is some heat in the hoof. Want to know what may be causing this?

Updated On February 25th, 2018

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | 10 years and 9 months old | 1000 lbs

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Answered By Laura Bailey, DVM


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Your horse could have an infection. Sometimes they can get an infection in the hoof that can cause some swelling in fetlock area. It may be a good idea to have your vet examine her and possibly give her some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds. I hope this has helped. Thank you for using pet coach.

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