My 10 year old mini mare is due any day now. She has clear milk with a full udder at the moment. I believe she was bred around Apr 1st. This is her 2nd birth (new info to me) any suggestions as to what to look for? Body photo taken 2/15.. Udder and hind end taken 2/20. She also carries the dwarf gene I was told.. Any concerns with that?

Updated On February 28th, 2018

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Horse | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. If the breeding date is accurate, Butter can indeed foal any day. But I have seen them go 30 days over. Her milk should thicken up any day now, so if you are testing the udder you must stop. You d not want to inadvertently waste any of the colostrum, or first milk. Usually, once the colostrum develops, the teats will develop almost a waxy cap, but this is not always apparent. There are some concerns if she carries the dwarf gene as this predisposes the foals to have larger than normal heads, & somewhat boxy bodies. This could cause a problem during delivery called dystocia. Things to watch for with an impending birth are mild colic, loss of appetite, mucous-like discharge from the vulva. Watch her as closely as you can. You should have towels, ropes, & a tube of lubricant handy in case you need to help pull the foal. Also, have your veterinarian's number on speed dial in case you need help. Fingers crossed for an easy delivery. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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