I have a freshwater fish in my aquarium that I cannot identify. It resembles a Mosquito fish but is lighter in color, thinner, swims differently, and has what appear to be sparkles on its sides. I caught it with a net in a school of mosquito fish but it is different. it was the only one in the school that looks the way it does. I found it in the shallow part of a lake in Florida. Please help me identify it.

Updated On January 12th, 2017

Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Without an image, it will be difficult to definitively identify the fish in question. It may be a wild guppy. You can request a consultation which will allow you to share images. It is not recommended to add wild caught fish to an existing aquarium without an acceptable quarantine period.

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