Hi I would to know what’s going on with my bird, he has a big bald spot on the left side of his right wing and also under it. He is not depressed but sometimes he pulls out fluffs and gets scared and spastic until you take from his mout. What should I do. He is a cockatiel 1 and a half years old
Updated On May 25th, 2018
Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 8 months old | 0.181 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Ouch, poor Noug! There are a few things that could be happening. One common issue is parasites such as mites, or skin issues such as infections that may be bothersome and causing him to scratch and pluck at the area. Checking for any visible wounds, redness, flecks of "stuff" under the feathers, etc can help you determine if this is the case. Having a vet take a look and treat it if you suspect it can help. Another can be poor nutrition. Making sure he is on a balanced diet for cockatiels, and adding in some extra treats can help ensure he gets the right nutrition to growth his feathers back. Treats can also help some with boredom. A third reason (and very common) is boredom or stress plucking. Making sure his cage is in a stress-free area that is quiet, free from pets and people harassing him, and isn't too hot or cold can help. Spending time together to interact, adding in toys that require chewing, puzzles, etc can also help add some enrichment and keep him focused on that instead of himself. In some cases, feather plucking becomes chronic, so if none of the above helps, speaking with a vet or behaviorist that specializes in birds is best to try and see if there are other treatment options.
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