I don't know if my budgie has bumblefoot. Does he? If so, how do I treat it?

Updated On May 27th, 2018

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female | unspayed | 2 months and 21 days old | 0.0859803 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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The feet look relatively normal from what I can see, however if you are noticing any major swelling, open visible wounds, or Coqui doesn't seem to want to stand on one or both feet, then it could indicate an infection. Soaking the feet in epsom salts and keeping them clean and dry with a clean washcloth can help resolve minor issues, however if the swelling worsens, the wound worsens, or Coqui seems very painful and isn't able to get around, vet care is needed. Your vet can help clean the affected area and provide antibiotics or other medication as needed.

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