I have one pair Red Rump bird. The Female Rump making her nest in the box since last two weeks. But male and female are not mating. Female Rump trying to be closer to the male one but male rump always keep good distance from the female one. They are not fighting but not getting closer. What should I do now?

Updated On June 10th, 2018

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Try not to disturb them. This could delay or interrupt mating. They may be mating when you are not around. Simply provide water, fresh food and a calcium supplement or mineral block. After mating, the hen will begin lay eggs after about 10 days. Clutch size is 4-7 eggs with an average incubation of 20 days. The male will feed his mate during incubation and will begin to feed the chicks about 2 weeks after hatching.

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