One of my goldfish appears to have his tail turning transparent. It was not like that last week. I have only had him and two other fish in the tank for all of one week. The water is a cloudy gray, but I was told that is normal. Is this caused by stress, diet, parasites, or something else?
Updated On June 24th, 2018
Pet's info: Fish | Unknown - Fish | Male | 8 days old
Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM 229
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Thank you for the picture - I am unable to tell if the tail is just turning transparent, or if portions of it are missing. If it is truly just a color change, and there are no other problems with C.G. or the other fish, it may just be that he is going to become a different color. If the tail has missing portions, that is more likely to be caused by an infectious problem (such as bacteria, fungi, parasites). I would recommend evaluating your water quality parameters, as you eluded to in your question. Then I would monitor the tail, and if there are portions missing, I would recommend having him evaluated by a veterinarian. They can take samples of the area, as well as from the skin and gills to evaluate for parasites and other organisms.
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