Updated On July 3rd, 2018
Pet's info:
Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM 229
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Thanks for your question about Jade! A 20 gallon tank is likely appropriate for him while he is young, however this species of map turtle can get to be about 10 inches or so in length, and due to this size, will need a larger tank as he gets to be full size. Ideally, the water level should be at least as deep as Jade is long, and more ideally it would be 1.5x deeper (ex: if Jade is 10 inches long, the water would be 15 inches deep). There would also need to be enough space for two haul out areas, one on the cool end of the enclosure and one on the warm end of the enclosure. There will also need to be space for a water heater to be present. With all of these items, it can get quite crowded in a small tank! I hope that helps to answer your question, and good luck!
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