My female new budgie loosing feather from her butt and sit fluffy please help me i don't want to loose her there is no vet near me

Updated On July 5th, 2018

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Feather loss can be from a large number of things. If it is concentrated around Fidu's vent, it is possible she is having some GI upset or diarrhea which is causing her some discomfort. Making sure she is on a balanced diet, removing any extra treats or snacks for a few days, and treating for any parasites may help relieve this and get her to feeling better. Adding in additional toys and spending time together can help with boredom feather plucking as well, however this type of feather plucking is usually all over the body or along the wings and chest, rather than on the bottom/vent area. If treating at home and changing her diet some doesn't help, or you see loose, watery stools, reduction in eating and drinking, etc, then trying to find a vet near you, even if they don't see specifically birds, is best to try and find the underlying cause and get her started on appropriate treatment.

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