My female budgie has laid 6 clutches all of them hatched two of her chicks are still in cage and she started mating with her pair. Though she is not attacking her chicks in nest but today i noticed her cloaca swoolen. I know this is not normal
Updated On July 29th, 2018
Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Female
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Laying so many clutches of eggs and raising that many chicks can be taxing on a bird. Ideally, a breeding hen should have no more than two clutches per calendar year. Remove the remaining chicks from the cage if they are eating on their own. Remove the nesting box as well. Separate the male and female. Drop room temperature by a few degrees and gradually limit her amount of daylight she is getting. This may get her out of "breeding mode" and stop her egg laying. She should be seen by an experienced avian veterinarian to make sure the inflammation around her vent is not infection.
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