My snake has become very aggressive after biting me once, it use to be very sweet and calm. Now when i walk past the cage or try to pick or handle it , it strikes .
Updated On January 4th, 2019
Pet's info: Reptile | Python
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Ball pythons are typical not very aggressive unless it is a female protecting her eggs. Also, juveniles can be a bit mouthy but they typically outgrow it with regular handling and as they mature. Reedus may be stressed. Survey the area in and around the enclosure for any negative stimuli. This may include loud noises, strong vibrations, bright lights or high traffic. Reduce or eliminate any if found. Provide a hide on each side of the enclosure. If Reedus will allow, handle him/her for ever increasing periods of time. You can place a small article of your clothing in the enclosure to get him/her used to your scent. If the behavior persists, consider an exam with your veterinarian or a vet experienced in treating reptiles to diagnose illness or injury. Either can cause a sudden change in behavior.
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