I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm setting up an aquarium for a dynastes grantii beetle and I was wondering if I could put 3-4 males in the same cage. will they still fight if there's no female in there? and if so could they possibly kill each other? Thanks.

Updated On March 21st, 2018

Pet's info: Spiders & Insects | Unknown - Spiders & Insects | Male | 0 lbs

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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If a female or the scent of a female Dynastes is near the males (could be in a tank in the same room) then the males will fight. Unfortunately most males will also fight when there are no females around. If you are going to put several males in the same tank, make sure they are all the same size as larger ones will be able to hurt smaller beetles and can seriously injure each other, possibly even killing each other. Here is a decent care sheet: http://www.bugsincyberspace.com/Rhino_Beetle_Care_Sheet.html

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