It has been 5 days since my budgie laid her third egg, I know she isn't egg-bound. She has been acting normal but hasn't laid any more eggs. They are meant to lay 4 to 6, sometimes more but I have never had a budgie lay less than 4 eggs in a clutch. Should I be concerned? She is probably only 9 or 10 months old. She has laid 2 or 3 clutches since November last year and I couldn't stop her from breeding because she laid her first egg when her last baby was leaving the box.

Updated On March 9th, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out abut Kylea. Even though most birds can lay between 4-6 eggs, that is only an average/ Some lay more, some less. She might be done this time. Be careful on how often you allow her to lay and raise young, as the energy expenditure is immense. Assessment of diet to ensure good nutritional intake to counterbalance energy loss. Seed is not enough. If concerned, a veterinary visit is recommended. Good luck.

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