My snapping turtle had a tape worm. I cut it off as close to the anus (don't remember what its called) as I could. The turtle pooped a little bit more out and I made sure to get it out of the tank asap. A week later She started to poop out another one and I pulled it out of her completely. Another small piece came out next poop. Its been over a week, two water tank changes and there seems to be no sign of tape worm. Is it possible that it is gone completely?

Updated On March 26th, 2019

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

Depending on the parasite, your turtle may be fine...or may still be infected but not have any adult parasites. Certain parasites require an intermediate host to complete the lifecycle.
Ideally, you should submit a stool sample to your veterinarian to definitively diagnose or rule out infection. if your turtle is positive for parasites, a dewormer can be administered. You may need to repeat it in several weeks.

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