My miniature schnauzer puppy is shedding pretty bad, and I’ve always had this breed growing up and they never shed at all. I don’t know if this like ‘shedding a winter coat’ or something else?

Updated On March 29th, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Schnauzer | Male | 3 months and 25 days old | 8 lbs

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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


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Since we are moving into spring now and your dog is also about the age when puppies can begin to lose their baby fur. So this may be a combination of both...shedding the winter coat as well as shedding the baby shedding lots of hair. As long as she does not lose so much fur as to where she gets bald spots, I would not worry about it. You may want to brush or comb her frequently to relieve her of itching loose hair and avoid her shedding too much in the house.

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