Hi my boyfriend found a snake at the river . He’s already keeping the snake he has it in a snake cage already ready. I would please like to know if the snake is not poisiness we went to a pet shop they told us garter snake but I want to make sure with a real vet like yourself to help me . Please I want to make sure it is not a bad snake but a good snake (: thank you .

Updated On August 30th, 2019

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out and including a photo. Does appear to be a garter snake, which are not poisonous. Just because not venomous, does not mean it wont' bite and they still have saliva that can cause some reactions in humans. In many states, keeping wildlife captive is not legal and is very stressful on the snake. Consider re-releasing or presenting to a wildlife rehabilitation society. Good luck.

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