My male budgie recently passed away yesterday. The problem is, the male budgie has a female partner named Baby. She is currently in mating period. She just laid one egg. She appears to still want to lay eggs after her partner died. I have other male budgies in another cage. I have 15 budgies currently. 2 of my female birds are mating and staying in the nestbox at this time. How can I continue having 15 budgies? Should I throw the eggs away? I just don’t want any more birds...

Updated On September 10th, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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My condolences on the loss of your male budgie. Do not throw the egg away without replacing it. This may spur her to lay more. You can replace the egg(s) with dummy eggs. Find them in the Avian section of the local Petco. Leave the dummy eggs in the nest box for 2-3 weeks, then remove one every few days until none remain. Hens will lay eggs regardless of whether or not they mate. To stop egg laying, limit exposure to daylight (use a cage cover or move them away from windows, light sources, etc.) and lower room temperature by a few degrees. To prevent mating, you will need to separate males from females.

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