I have an Iguana. I think she may have somehow (I don't know how it's possible) swallowed a medical glove. I noticed a couple minutes ago the medical glove fully in tact coming out of her butt and she is having trouble getting it out completely. I tried to pull lightly but it won't budge and I don't want to hurt her or have it rip and get stuck inside her. I can't afford a vet bill, I don't know what to do.

Updated On October 21st, 2019

Pet's info: Reptile | Iguana | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 11 months old | 1lb

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Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM


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Hello, Iguanas commonly eat things they should not, and this can lead to both surgical or medical emergencies. If the glove has ruptured her colon, she may be going into sepsis and need surgery. If her intestines are intact, this may require time, fluids, laxatives, or other treatments to assist with its passing. I'd recommend keeping her on the warm end of her temperature spectrum and soaking her twice a day, as warmth and hydration will be helpful for constipation. An x-ray would be needed to determine if an intestinal rupture has occurred. If she becomes lethargic and painful, please seek a consult with a vet. I hope this helps.

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