Hi! I recently got a puppy from a friend. He is 9 weeks, I am going Saturday to get his shots at Petco for his 8 weeks. I am not an expert but I think they are giving him all the shots he needs. Is there anything else I need to get him at this age? Or does he need more shots after his 8 week one? Also I need to get papers to show his breed.. where do I do that?

Updated On April 17th, 2018

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 7 days old

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Answered By Dr. Davis


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Yes they will give all the vaccinations he needs at PetCo. He will need two more sets of booster shots to be fully protected. They will give you a schedule for his booster vaccinations and discuss flea, tick and heartworm products if they are recommended in your area. You can also get a microchip at PetCo. As far as the papers to show his breed ask your friend if they have some from the breeder. You don’t need any papers though to get him examined and vaccinated. Thanks for using PetCoach to help you get answers to your veterinary questions.

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