I have always felt strongly that I would not get a bulldog, or other brachycephalic dog breed, as I am uncomfortable with the dangers these dogs face due to breeding for this trait. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was on my short list for my next dog and I just found out they are brachycephalic also. Do all spaniels have this issue? Is the King Charles Spaniel bred for that short nose?
Updated On May 2nd, 2018
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Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM 64
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Unfortunately the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for some reason has been bred with shorter and shorter noses over the last few years, so now it is indeed a brachycephalic dog. You also do not want this breed as it can have serious congenital problems such as heart disease and syringomelia. If you like spaniels any of the other spaniels such as Cocker Spaniel and English Springer Spaniel =, Field Spaniel and Welsh Springer Spaniel are not brachycephalic and less prone to congenital breed specific problems.
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