Hello. I noticed this strange scratch looking wound on Luka’s whisker area. It looks bloody and some fur is missing too. I put on a glove and he allowed me to touch it. He didn’t cry out, attack, or pull away when I touched the wound. He is otherwise healthy and normal; no fever, no physical or behavioral changes. What is this? Could he have just pulled out a whisker? Or scratched an itch a little too hard? Is this something he should go to the vet for, or not a big deal? Thank you.

Updated On August 8th, 2021

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 10 months and 9 days old | 7 lbs

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. It looks like a superficial wound or scratch. Luka may have lost one of his whiskers, it will grow back. You should clean this area twice daily with cotton buds and warm, boiled water or an antiseptic skin solution (for example 4% Hibiclens). As long as it is healing OK and it is not bothering Luka you can manage this at home. However, if you notice that the lip becomes swollen or painful, you should take Luka to your local vets for an appointment.

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