My dog has taken temaril twice daily last 2 days today she very lethargic and shaking. Can I stop the meds
Updated On January 1st, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | Female | spayed | 2 years and 6 months old | 21 lbs
Answered By Tomasz Wnuk 28
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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. Temaril is used primarily for treating allergic skin problems. If Minnie is not showing any symptoms of an allergy (for example itchy skin, ears inflammation, red skin on paws and on the abdomen) but she looks lethargic and unwell, she probably does not need Temaril at the moment. Please, get in touch with your regular vets as soon as they are available to confirm that the tablets should be stopped and to book an appointment for Minnie to make sure she is OK.
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