Hi! My bunny Freckles seems scared to jump down in his new hutch. He jumps up in the hutch. He jumps off the bed just fine which is twice as high. He also runs & plays just like normal. Our other bunny jumps down in the hutch easily.

Updated On April 27th, 2023

Pet's info: Small Animal | Rabbit | Male | neutered | 5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for your question. It is very difficult to say what is going on withe Freckles. He may just be uncomfortable jumping down until he gets used to it. It could have something to do with his eyesight and depth perception along with the lighting around the hutch. It could be that something scared him when he tried to jump down and now that keeps spooking him. It is really hard to say. You can always take him to a vet for an exam if you are really worried. They may be able to see something that is causing him an issue and/or pain. I personally don't think I would be all that concerned about it. Don't force him as that may scare him more. Just let him figure it out on his own. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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