Hello, what types of pine are safe for rabbits to chew? I live in Mississippi & the MFC lists Loblolly, Longleaf, & Slash pines growing here. Can I simply get a pine branch from my yard & give it to my rabbit, or do I need to heat treat it somehow? Some online sources say pine is okay for rabbits while others list Ponderosa pines as being toxic to rabbits. And would the pine needles be okay to use as rabbit bedding? Thank you for your help.

Updated On February 14th, 2020

Pet's info: Small Animal | Rabbit | Female | spayed | 4.4 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Eastern white pine is general considered the "safe" pine to use as rabbit chews. The other species of pine contain higher levels of phenols which are toxic. Pine, ideally, should be kiln dried, before being offered. The high temps "bake" the phenols out of the wood. Pine needles while not toxic, can cause stomach upset or an obstruction if enough are eaten. To be safe, stay away from them.

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