It’s been nearly 9 months since adopting Gabbana. I’ve notice ever since adopting her that she always nibbles on blankets, pillows and even the clothes I have on. I’ve never really given it much thought but I’m just curious as to why she might be doing that? She doesn’t tear it up, just nibbles with her front teeth. Whenever I have people over they think it’s weird but I just let her do it because it seems to keep her happy and not causing any harm

Updated On March 8th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Female | spayed | 37 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Many times this is a sign of contentment or self soothing. It can also be an attempt at mutual grooming. In general, as long as she is not being destructive, the behavior is nothing to worry about. I hope this helps.

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